Drafts I

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This isn't an actual chapter, these are drafts of one-shots I didn't finish. These are only a few so expect more in the future and enjoy!

Unconscious Desires

Highschool AU

Warning: NSFW content

"Aw, if you could see that cute pleasure face of yours" Sebastian spoke directly in my ear before lightly biting on it.

Ciel opened his eyes and looked down at me, eyes now half-lidded. He smirked witnessing my reaction to Sebastian's comment, which was a deep blush. "He's right you know. Seeing you all hot and bothered makes you all the more adorable" he said as he persisted to ride me and Sebastian continued to thrust into me.

My only response was straggled moans resulting from my overwhelmed body. Sebastian tilted my head to the side to gain more access to my untouched neck. He proceeded to leave dark hickies, I could tell by how much attention he gave each one. Ciel retracted his hands from my knees to rest them on my chest and leaned down. He captured me in a passionate kiss I had never thought I'd have with him. Sebastian cupped his hand over mine and lowered it to Ciel's member. We jerked off Ciel, he moaned into the kiss and tugged at my hair.

My whole body jolted as I woke up. I immediately ran to the bathroom. My shaky hands slowly stretched the front of my boxers. I thought my eyes would pop out with how ecstatic I was. I hadn't, erm, had a wet dream. I've had odd dreams where I was about to have sex with someone but I either woke up or declined but wet dreams were never part of that genre. Hopefully, they never will be because I don't feel like changing my boxers more often than I would like.

God, why would I have a dream like that?! I mean almost having sex with someone in a dream is one thing but having a threesome with two men in a dream that I don't have any attraction attached to is absurd! I let out a groan as I tugged at my hair. Usually, when I have weird dreams they affect me for the rest of the day. What makes it worse is I have classes with both Ciel and Sebastian! Technically I only have one class with Sebastian but still... How the hell am I supposed to face the two after that dream?

I'm not particularly close with Ciel, we occasionally talk and usually walk together to the classes we have together which is six.... Sebastian is my English teacher for Christ's sake! Or Mr. Michaelis if you're not as close to him as I am. English is my favorite subject and class. There isn't a day where I don't have something to contribute to classroom discussion and even then he and I talk for a few minutes before the dismissal bell goes off. I've actually been late to my class after his because of how engaging our conversations are heh, whoops. He did admit I am his favorite student and enjoys our daily conversations. Anyway...I am ultimately boned.

I tried to keep my calm demeanor as I walked down the halls to the cafeteria. First period hasn't even started and I'm already losing it, breakfast will go smoothly. Out of all of my friends, I arrive the earliest so I chose a cafeteria table for us to hang out at and wait for them to arrive. I fidget with my hands as I try to block out that dream. Soon enough people start to file in and take the spots of the seats around me. I scan each face I recognize trying to determine who I can trust enough to confess the dream. Perfect.

"Ronald? Can we talk in private?" I tried my best not to attract attention from anyone else.

He looked up at me and flashed his usual smile, "Of course! Lead the way, my friend."

We sat at a separate table, I didn't want anyone to hear my embarrassing dream. "What's wrong I don't think I've seen you this stressed in a long time," Ronald said as we sat down.

Ciel Phantomhive x Male Reader [One-Shots] (Requests Always Open)Where stories live. Discover now