@ the Awards

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Announcer :
Welcome everyone to the IHeart radio awards
Let cheer for our host Will Smith.
*audience applaudes*
Will smith POV:
" Yo yo wassup " I said as I ran out on stage
"Today we be handing out our awards to all our winners "I say
So, our first category is our boy bands nominated people are
1: The Jonás Brothers
3: 5 SOS
4: The Vamps
Who will be the lucky winners?
Let's let  Joey king  announce the first winner the winner is ................
Joels Pov:
So, Will smiths came out and now Joey king is announcing the boy band winner which our group Cnco was nominated Hopefully we win
"The winner is CNCO!!" Joey king says and we all ran up the stage with the biggest smile ever
-on stage-
"I would like to thank our fans my family and friends and Ricky Martin and everyone who was part of la Banda for helping us get to where we are today we love you guys thank you "I said in the microphone and we all exited the stage with our award in hand

Skip to the rest of the categories

Audrey's POV:
Omg the best youngest female solo artist was next I am so nervous hopefully I win
"Now it's time for best youngest female solo artist your nominated girls are
1: Audrey 2:Jessica 3:Willow 4:Carmen "Will smith announced here to present the award is Cameron Dallas and Bella Thorne they both announced "the winner and the winner is AUDREY!!!"
Omg I won I was in shock I was shaking as I got on stage.
"I would like to thank God, my family and my friends and my amazing manager Jacob"  I said with tears in my eyes after that I received my award
Joel's POV:
"Hey, Erick do you know who Audrey is she's really gorgeous I would love to talk to her 😍"I said blushing
"Of course I know who she is she is the best youngest artist in the world and don't you remember we heard one of her songs today in the limo  Do you have a little crush 😏"erick said making me blush ☺️
Ofc not but, Do you know when I could meet her? I said curiously
"Yeah, she's gonna be in the after party for Sony she's signed with them and our manager knows hers too so you can get her number there " Richard said joining the conversation
I can't wait for the after party 😁

Meeting him - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now