Shoppin for the Date?!

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Audrey POV:
So tomorrow is my date with Joel. Alexa is going shopping with me .
I got a text from Joel telling me he couldn't hang out since he has rehearsals for his tour and Simon Cowell was going to be there to supervise.
So I just put ok have fun , I'm going shopping with Alexa ,I love you and can't wait for tomorrow☺️😉😘😏.
So we went to several stores which were Victoria secret were I just bought bras and panties and sweat pants and bikinis,forever 21 I bought a cute lace mint dress,hollister I bought leggings and some high heels,I went to hot topic to buy a new jansport and I got spotted by paparazzi I had to go hide in the employees room .
Joel's POV:
Tommorow is my date with Audrey I'm at rehearsals and after rehearsal I'm going to the studio then to set up everything for the date.
--Minutes later--
Right now I'm on my break I turned on the tv and saw on clevver news "the famous award winning Audrey has been spotted at Bloomingdales flirting with the employee". At this point I'm mad at how the people think she would cheat on me. So I called Audrey to ask what really happened.
📞Phone conversation📞:
Joel: hey babe
Audrey: hi baby how's rehearsal
Joel: good I'm on break right now and what happened at Bloomingdales
Audrey :oh well I was asking one of the employees that was a guy if they had a neon pink jansport and then the paparazzi spotted me there with their cameras etc so I'm stuck right now inside the employees room until security comes
Joel: oh ok babe cuz I was watching clevver news and they were saying that you were flirting with him and I know you wouldn't do that because I trust you  and I know you love me too much to do that
Audrey:WHAT!!!!! of course I wouldn't flirt with anyone else I only have eyes for you baby ilysfm and I want our relationship to last forever
Joel: ilysfm too babe I gotta get going I'll FaceTime you when I get out
Audrey :ok baby bye take care

Audrey's POV:
After everything happened and got home i changed into my new sweat pants and a hoodie and wore my hair in a messy bun. I was on Twitter and tweeted : I'm so freaking bored out of my mind. Joel then facetimed me.

Joels POV:
I got home from rehearsal changed and I was really tired and I just got home and slept for like 5 minutes and then I saw Audrey's tweet that she was bored and facetimed her.
--No One POV--
They talked on FaceTime about there first impression of each other . Audrey's first impression had been that she thought Joel was really unique and stood out from the rest of the guys, his laugh is to die for, cute, funny, hot and his eyes were amazing. Joel's first impression had been that he thought Audrey was special she seemed different she stood out , she really pretty,her smile was perfect and she is nice and caring and talked about other things.
The both of them were really tired and said good night to each other and tomorrow is the date.

What does Joel have planned out ?

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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