Chapter Six: Subconscious Prisoner

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They restrained me with rusty handcuffs that cut my wrist and certainly going to leave bruises after this. It was a quarter mile walk deeper into the woods and an escort of four men- including Theodore until coming upon this hole they keep all prisoners in. The hole was six feet deep with thick long branches as a cage barrier, along lid the fact it was under the hot sun and already occupied by a sweat dehydrated man.

Theodore stood before me, a smirk upon his face as he hovered over me- this time I was almost the same height as him, two inches shorter without the hiking boots. Still, he finds away to show his dominance. He clutched my chin rather roughly, pulling me just an inch from his lips- his breath smelt of sardines and day old beans. "Tell me one thing that I could of done in this other world of yours, convince me that your worth being freed; maybe I'll make you of use."

I tried to jerk away before his disgusting hand groped the body's breast, sending shivers down my spine and made me shiver ant to throw up. "We both know you're going to take whatever you want, like the tyrant you are." I whispered, fearless of his touch and wicked gaze. I shrugged his hand off with a harsh jerk and kick to the shine that made him groan and buckle. In return, I was hit in the side, fell to my knees from the stinging pain hitting every nerve and muscle.

The handcuffs were off before I could catch my breath, a boot hits the middle of my back, pushing me down the slippery slip of the hole. I fell in the mud, sinking in the earth and body already coated in the minerals before I could grasp myself on the slippery walls. The entry of the hole was immediately covered by the cage, the only way out was either digging my way out- which would cause a collapse and I would suffocate and die, or wait until someone comes by to help me. In this case, it'll be until tonight when Don gains word of my entrapment.

Unfortunately, the sun would bake me alive in here: dehydrate me in the next hour, and if I'm lucky, I would pass out without becoming lucid. I crawled back into the cool wall, next to the man that could barely take a breath, his lips chapped and drier than the Egyptian desert, eyes droopy as he mumbled incoherent words under his breath. I leaned over, pressing both of my fingers just below his jaw and felt the faint heartbeat.

I sighed heavily and leaned back into the mud, cooling my body down before I'm naked alive in a matter of seconds. I closed my eyes, and took steady breaths before falling asleep- funny how drastic situations can cause me to rest so peacefully.

I eventually woke up with a pounding headache and throbbing body as all the water left inside me seemed to have turned into salt, my tongue dry as the taste of the sea hits me- even if I'm no where near water. However, my body shriveling up from the inside out wasn't what woke me. The sun was shining directly into the hole, blinding my vision and making things twice as hotter, a figure stood at the tops- looking down in awe while tilting its head side to side, a kid perhaps that grew curios. "Uh, hello." I spoke in a raspy dry voice. "Do you think you can bring me some water? I know it's against vi-" I didn't have to finish that sentence to be shown kindness.

A small jug of water rolled down, hitting my feet and slushing around. I dive for it, taking in the warm underground fluid that stopped the pounding in my head and body from throbbing. I leaned over to the man, checking his pulse to feel he was still holding on. Tilting his head back I gave him a few drops that wets his tongue and throat and woke him up from the lucid state, but he still slept.

"Do not bother." The kid spoke out, it's voice tiny and light. "It's just enough to get you by until tonight."

"What happens tonight? You and your friends are going to help me out? That would be gr-"

"No, you're going to help yourself." His tone grew harsh and alert, causing me to cringe. The kid sighed heavily before continuing. "My name is Ozymandias, watcher of the sky and leader of the souls."

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