Chapter Nineteen: Book of Ilorian

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I should be laughing loudly in this monster's face, crying with humor- knowing I needed a good strain of joy since I'm standing in front of the man I've been dreaming of killing for so long and not once wanting to punch him in the jaw once more. Ilorian was using Lucas, his body pale as the body alone wasn't enough to hold the fallen angel's essence. Instead, I crossed my arms in front of my chest and stare into the electric blue eyes I once held to put fear into my own enemies; now I only wanted to get rid of the trait. "Fuck you." I spoke in a steady tone, my eyes narrow and lips thin. "Fuck you and your desires... fuck you and your metaphors... fuck you and this world... fuck you all."

Ilorian was not phased by my calm outburst, tilting his head to the side, confusion flashed through his eyes before it turned into realization. "Your stubborn, reminds me of when I were young. Very well then, at least stay for dinner-"

"No, the more I stay here, the more I have the urge to sacrifice my opportunity to leave by stabbing you in the face. Leave me be." I voiced before taking the opportunity and freedom to leave the room and storm upstairs to the attic. The room was untouched; bed cold, cobwebs covered the corners, furniture holding a layer of dust, and air still with the scent of mold and damp wood.

I was desperate enough to enter the lion's den, to face the man I scorned for months, to not stab him in the gut over and over again to have the satisfaction and revenge for my mother and any other women he harmed. I wanted to go back, to see my husband, aunt, cousins, friends; I wanted peace or even death, anything to get away from all of this.

Treading lightly across the room, the mirror sat awaiting in the corner, sheet covering my reflection. I hesitated, my fingers lingered in the air as I tried to clasp the rough fabric, but stopped. "This isn't it, is it?" I voiced, my spine tingled as a pair of eyes burned me.

"You think it's going to be that easy?" The voice was deep and husky, different from the first time we met in this gruesome world. A man sat on the edge of the bed, skin glowing under the sunlight, hair the color of gold, and eyes the shade of sky blue on a sunny day. Hypnosis true form, or at least I think it is. "Your desperation is amusing, I should say I understand but sympathy is not what I possess."

"Are you going to give me another riddle? Or do I have to guess this all on my own?"

"What you have to do is play your cards and wait for your chance."

"What chance?"

Hypnosis only smirked in return, his skin glowed brighter and brighter until he were a speck of dust in the air. The room seemed to have turned dull and dark as shadows filled the corners, a light breeze from nothing brushed against my cheek as whispers filled the air, and the mark vibrates and burn just like before when Owen took the blade away.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself to exit the room and march downstairs where the scrapping of silverware filled the air. I appeared at the threshold, body morphed into the shadows as I watched the three of the four monsters in the world eat dinner like a normal family.

"Are you going to stand their all day or are you going to sit?" Lilith voiced while piling her plate with salad. Huffing in needed defiance, I stride into the dining room and flopped down in the familiar oak chair across from Gavriila.

"Look at this." Ilorian sighed heavily in relief. "The four of us, sitting at the table together, I have dreamed this for years."

"Before or after you decided to take advantage of my mother?"

A loud bang upon the table rattle my core more than the plates, Gavriila flinched from her mother's wrath and looked down in fear. Lilith grits her teeth in anger that seemed out of control since the last time we went toe to toe. "You need to stop acting like a rebellious teenager, you ung-"

Rapture of WitchesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora