Chapter Thirteen: Baby Unknown

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The crickets chirped loud in the dead of night, forming a sharp and and faint tune that sets the night in a calm setting. The camp was quiet, everyone resting in their tents, gaining strength for another day of waiting until a true plan of battle forms. Although, the moderate humidity and warm night was too relaxing to still be wired, I could not rest my eyes as fear takes over me so easily.

Ilorian occupies my mind more than I could help, I imagined him slaughtering my family; just thinking about it dink's my chest, to see it... I can only imagine the Jupiter here felt as if she had no other choice but to end her suffering and give up.

"The more you think about it, the more it hurts." Katherine's soft voice mixed in with the faint music of chirping crickets.

I sucked in a deep breath, my chest felt heavy and body weightless to the point I wanted to throw myself off the porch to feel anything. "How did you survive for so long?"

She shrugged her shoulders, her facial features softened to the point she was a thin line away from bursting in tears, but she kept her strength. "Honestly, I don't know. I just think about Athena, how she would wanted me to help them all, to survive and see the end of all of this; whether it's good or bad."

"I'm sorry, for it all. For the deaths and loss, this Jupiter leaving you here all alone, I'm sorry."

Katherine shook her head, waving away the stream of apologies with a faint smile upon her face. "Fate is cruel, if it weren't for it all, you wouldn't be here to help fight back."

"I don't think can face him. All the things he has done, to everyone I love. He placed more torment upon me than Vloydik or Gavriila, even Lilith; I'm scared." I was immediately placed in a comforting hug, my face fell into her chest before my tears could fall. My body shudder and the weight on my chest slowly rolled off, but I still felt numb.

"How about you come with us, Owen will be fine here."

Although staying by Katherine's side comfort me more than the hug, I still shook my head no. "I don't want to abandon him during a critical time. Besides, it's best for Donovan and I to have time apart, the bond is getting strong and I don't want to put anymore feelings between us."

"We'll be back soon."

"Be careful."

"Same with you. Don't beat them up too bad."

"Can't keep any promises." Sending me a wink, Katherine steps off the porch, a backpack sling over one shoulder as she walks through the camp towards the road where the car is waiting.

Donovan steps out clearing his throat, that awkward tension floats in the air, considering we haven't spoken to each other since earlier this morning. "I guess I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, most definitely. I apologize for snappy at you like that earlier, I did-"

"No, it's my fault, I knew you were married and I still overstepped."

I couldn't disagree on the matter, yet, I still feel bad. "Are you hungry? I know it's a long journey, I can-"

"No." He sucked in a sharp breath as of trying to restrain himself. "The poison is in both of our bloods but we don't know what the reaction will be if we transfer again. I'll just stick to animal blood for now on, people always say I should eat healthier."

I chuckled lightly and nod in understanding. "Be careful."

"I have Katherine to protect me." He teased before glancing me over. "Keep the alpha softy from growing grays. See you soon." Donovan matched down the steps, following the same path through the field towards the large gate.

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