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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or show. I only own the plot. However, they're a couple of minor characters that I added. (They aren't really important, I just added them for the fun of it)

Disclaimer #2: Phantom Planet happened, however, there are major changes. :>

1. Danny and Vlad never revealed their secrets. (Only Danny's parents know his secret because he finally decided to tell them).

2. Vlad isn't dead (obviously since he's one of the main characters in this story)

3. Sam and Danny aren't a couple (Just because I'm not good at writing relationships and I want to focus on the main thing. However, that doesn't mean I won't add minor DxS shipping :)

4. Tucker isn't mayor but was honoured for his contributions. 

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It was a nice summer afternoon. The weather was pretty hot, but it had a cool breeze to it, making it the perfect day to go on a picnic. The green leaves swayed gently in a rhythmic pattern, following the direction of multiple coloured birds. The yellow dandelions made their entrance in this welcoming summer month along with the vast trees to complete the perfect summer painting.

Of course, Amity Park would be an ordinary summer town, that is, if it weren't for the occasional ghosts disrupting the citizens from enjoying their perfect day. But it all seemed like a little inconvenience when their ghostly hero took care of it. Not only that, it seemed that the ghost zone was having 'good weather' too, meeting new allies and forming relationships. Each would give a story of their time in the human world while others laughed at the unfortunate pranks played there. Even Danny didn't seem to have trouble fitting in with some of the ghosts anymore and started to accept his ghost half more than before. After all, he did help them save the earth from the disasteroid a few months back.

Ever since the time he saved everybody from Pariah Dark and the unfortunate asteroid, he'd made a lot of ghostly acquaintances and still continued to make new more. He was impressed at how they acted like actual living people at times that Danny usually forgot he was communicating with ghosts. He liked travelling around with Sam and Tucker in his dad's vehicle, discovering new regions and meeting different types of ghosts. He also managed to fix relationships between some formed ghost enemies and come in good-terms with them.

For instance, he's on good terms with Johnny 13 and Kitty as of right now, ever since he helped them get a valuable tool to add to his motorcycle during Christmas. And Kitty supported her boyfriend and was glad he wasn't interested in going back to the human world anymore. 

He also met with Amorpho just a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes, the two played harmless pranks on people, both in the human world and ghost zone. And now, Danny allowed him to come back to the human world under certain circumstances; not playing any pranks that could bring harm to people, and to not spend too much time there. 

As for Pandora, he hadn't really kept in touch with her since the day the Box Ghost attacked, but she later wrote him a 'thank you' letter for the time he took care of the ghost that was getting on her nerves aka Klemper. He also received a gift from her; a small glowing necklace that was supposed to offer him a shield when fighting ghosts. It would come in use in case of an emergency, and the wielder protects as many people as long as they held hands. However, it worked only once a year, so he had to use it wisely. 

He also continued to visit Frostbite. The yeti and his clan always welcomed him warmly (despite it being cold there) and were always there to teach him new tricks help him strengthen his ice powers. Danny felt the place was always inviting, and never hesitated to go there when he had a question or a problem. After all, they shared a common bond. 

Princess Dorathea also welcomed Danny and his friends to her castle occasionally, especially Sam. She was thankful to them for getting rid of her brother and showing her, her true powers. So every time they showed up, a royal feast was prepared for them and music was played. And although Danny had told her multiple times it was completely unnecessary, she insisted that he be treated with such. 

That was speaking for the ghosts he had already met. He was also introduced to countless others, in... weird situations. But nevertheless, he liked their company and always made time to visit each and every one of them. This included a very old lady who loved knitting for her cats, a shy but scary when angered ghost child (a few years younger than him), a wise and serious pilot, and a moody teenage jock. The latter reminded him of Dash, except that this ghost actually looked threatening and had a good amount of muscles.

The point is, he'd made a lot of ghost friends over the past few months, thanks to him saving the earth. He was also appreciated and loved in the human world too, and the statues sure managed to get his good side. 

Of course, not all ghosts liked him. In fact, he was sure that still half of the ghost zone disliked him for his odd nature. That included Skulker (the very determined hunter), Technus (an obsessed technology ghost), the Lunch Lady, and a whole lot more. He would've added the Box Ghost to the list but Danny didn't really consider him as a threat.

Overall, his afterlife was looking good, and he could imagine himself having a great future too. He had a family who loved him, caring friends, and a world that was finally accepting him.

Yes, it was indeed going well.

Before Danny's parents decided to inform him of the bitter truth.

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A/N: Yes, I'm sorry, it's not a lot. That's why I called it a prologue instead of a chapter. But don't worry, interesting things are expected to happen ;)

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