Chapter Two: GiW

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6:18 am, Last Sunday Morning

"Sir," a man dressed in a white suit walked in, gaze portraying seriousness. "I think this was what you were looking for."

The man handed over the folder, important papers inside labelled 'Project P'. The receiving man dressed in black took it curiously (Agent Beta), his eyes widening slightly at the label. He looked over at his employee who nodded, and a wide grin spread over his face.

"Operative K. I see you guys actually managed to get me something," Agent B started, quickly looking over the files.

"Did you doubt we wouldn't?" Operative K replied, slightly offended but still quite pleased with his team's discovery.

The leader chuckled."No. But I recall you guys had trouble hunting him in the past. Speaking of, how did you guys get these details?" he asked. K grinned.

"You might wanna take a look at some of the stuff we gathered about him first. You wouldn't believe it! And all because of his blood..." the man in white exclaimed.

"Blood?" Agent B asked confused, unsure what his worker meant. They were hunting a ghost, not a human. Ghosts had ectoplasm, not blood. But before he could ask for clarification, he turned to the first page and stumbled at the first thing that caught his eyes.

Species: Half-human/ghost (Hybrid)

"He's human too?!"

"Yes, indeed he is, sir," the other man proudly smiled in satisfaction. Agent B smirked, looking over the test results in shock.

"Our task has gotten a hundred times easier now, and much more fascinating. Just imagine the things we can uncover with this new information, a hybrid!" the leader exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

"I agree, sir. We might've possibly discovered a whole new species. I wonder if there are more of them out there," Operative K rambled in shared enthusiasm as Agent B nodded.

"That's wonderful! With this information, it'll be a piece of cake to find the boy! Say, how did you get his blood again?" the man asked although his focus was mainly on the details in the clipped papers.

"I mean, you asked for us to watch the ghostboy rather than attacking him. Might I say, your suggestion was the key to our success, and we would've never found out his identity with our old boss in charge," Operative K praised.

"That's very flattering of you. Go on..."

"Ahem, yes. Well, we kept a close eye on him without getting discovered during his fights. One of our agents noted how there was a cut on the boy's arm that had blood spewing out. Luckily, we were able to get a droplet from the fight scene after he had left. We did some analyzing afterwards and were shocked to find out it didn't just contain ectoplasm!"

"That's good to hear. The hard part's over, now all we need to search for is the boy. It won't be long till we discover who the results belong to," Agent B grinned, tapping his fingers lightly on his desk.

"That's right. Now if you'll excuse me, sir, I would like to get back to my team and start the investigation as fast as possible," the other man said as his boss nodded.

"You're excused. Inform me as soon as you discover something new," he ordered as Operative K nodded and scurried away, closing the door behind him.

Agent B smirked to himself, taking another puff out of his cigar and looking through the file one last time.

"I look forward to meeting you, hybrid."

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