Chapter One: Back To School

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2:49 PM, Thursday Afternoon

The wind was howling greatly that day. The trees swayed roughly to the side while birds fought against the wind's pressure. It looked nothing like four weeks ago. And it didn't look like the weather was going to change either. After all, autumn had just begun.

Danny looked out the window soberly as he sighed. Summer was now over and he was back to school and its problems. And in a few months, winter will be approaching. 'Yay.' The young boy would've admired the colourful leaves if he weren't so focused on the annoying ghost that was outside making silly faces at him. He pushed back his glowing green eyes in case somebody was watching him and turned his attention back to his messy notebook. 

He suddenly jumped when Sam purposely coughed, a seat beside him. He was so deep in thought that he forgot he was still in class. The goth raised an eyebrow, questioning him if he was alright but the half-ghost only nodded his head and turned his attention back to his math teacher.

'If only I was competent in Math, I might have a chance of passing this course without paying attention,' he thought to himself, staring blankly at the algebraic sheet of paper that had been handed out minutes ago.

"If you don't finish this in class, it's homework for tonight," the teacher informed as she went back to writing on the board. Danny sighed once more and turned to Sam who was wearing an annoyed look. It looked like his friend was not happy with the teacher's words either.

Scratch that. The whole class looked tired and annoyed. And that was just the beginning of school. Shouldn't people look more refreshed after the summer break? Apparently not. And the next break was still a couple of months away...

The bell rang, signalling the end of class as Danny quickly gathered his school supplies and walked out with Sam, planning to meet Tucker by the lockers. The pair arrived at their lockers which was fortunately placed next to each other.

"How was math?" Tucker asked though he didn't seem genuinely interested in what they did. Still, Sam replied offhandly.

"As always. More homework, annoying classmates, and Danny spacing out," she said with a grin as the half-ghost rolled his eyes but said nothing in return. 

"I can see. Let's just head out of here to my place and eat some food. I'm hungry! And while you're at it, you can daydream as much as you want Danny," Tucker grinned as he started walking, his two friends following close behind.

"You're hilarious. I wasn't daydreaming, I was just tired-"

"Hey, Fenturd! How was your summer break? Not that I care, but I hope you didn't miss me," a familiar voice said as Danny groaned, already knowing who it was.

"Look, Dash, I'm not in the mood-" before Danny could finish his sentence, he'd already been shoved into the locker. He tried to protest but it was already too late and his friends got pushed away, preventing them from helping him.

The jocks laughed, their voices echoing in the hallway as they walked away. Danny sighed and waited until they had left before phasing out of the locker, unamused. 

"This is the fourth time this week," Tucker stated as the other two friends rolled their eyes.

"But seriously though, we have to find a way to get them to stop," Sam frowned as the trio headed to the main school doors.

"What? Gift him roses and a letter asking him to stop stuffing me in lockers?" Danny sarcastically quipped as Tucker chuckled.

"I don't think that's what she meant-"

"Obviously. Let's just change the topic, I really don't want to talk about Dash and his goons," the half-ghost said as they started walking towards Tucker's house.

"Fine. We'll talk about the science experiment all 10th graders are expected to participate tomorrow," Sam started casually as Danny did a double take.

"Wait, what science assignment?" he asked with a blunt look on his face.

"The blood test? Remember when Mr. Lancer started talking about the science assignment everybody has to take and how he will be supervising it? I'm guessing you weren't paying attention at the time," Tucker grinned knowingly.

"You guessed right. Can someone explain?" Danny asked, now confused. 

"Basically, every student is obligated to take a blood test to determine your blood type and look at your DNA samples. And we got a paper today outlining the other medical information we need to bring in," Tucker continued to explain as Danny stopped walking. 

"W-what!?" he yelled as his male friend raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh, don't worry. They aren't invading our privacy, they just-"

"It's not that, dimwit. Danny can't take the blood test," Sam interrupted the boy in a serious tone. "Unless he wants to reveal his ghostly identity."

"Here's where you are wrong. You don't necessarily need to take the blood test right now. You can just hand in a record of your blood test results that you took before," Tucker grinned as he turned to Danny with a proud look on his face. "I'm pretty sure you didn't have ghost powers the last time you took the test. There's no way they'll find out!"

Danny sighed out of relief, recalling how he had taken it two years ago, before the accident. So there really wasn't anything to worry about. 

"But why are they even doing this? They have never done this in the past, and it just seems so sudden..." the half-ghost trailed off hesitantly. 

"When you say 'they', do you mean the school board or the G.I.W?" Sam pointed out with a raised eyebrow as both boys gasped.

"The what?!"

"You heard me. You guys weren't paying attention in class, were you?" she shook her head in disappointed at the two sheepish looks her friends wore. "Well, lucky for you guys, I was listening the whole time in class and heard the whole thing. The G.I.W are officially back on your tail, Danny."

The half-ghost froze, frustratingly grumbling under his breath. "They hadn't given up, have they? I thought that after a whole month of rest and peace, they would've already dropped my case and let me be..."

"I'm afraid not. I still can't believe they managed to convince the school into looking through a student's private information without their consent! But when I propose an environmental idea to stop cruelty to frogs, they disregard it!" Sam grumbled, kicking a rock on the sidewalk as Tucker rolled his eyes. 

"Eh, whatever. They have nothing about the ghostboy, and they certainly don't have his blood either. And even if they somehow did, they wouldn't be able to connect it back to Danny as the only similarities would be the gender and blood type. Forget it! They're terrible ghosthunters," Tucker laughed with a grin.

"Hmm, I don't know guys. Their new leader seems kinda shady to me..." Sam worryingly looked over at her halfghost friend as Tucker groaned. 

"Oh, come on Sam, loosen up! So they have a new leader. What're they gonna do? As far as we know, they haven't accomplished anything so far. We don't even know if they're still interested in hunting him. Who said they're doing this science assignment to figure out Phantom's identity?" Tucker stated as Danny nodded in agreement.

"Tucker's right. With my blood test results from two years ago and their lack of information about Phantom, I'll look like any basic teenage boy," he said hopefully as Tucker smirked.

"Not to mention the school's wimp," he joked as Danny playfully punched him on his shoulder and Sam smiled.

"Yeah, I guess you guys are right. Anyway, you better have something vegetarian-friendly in your fridge, Tucker! I'm starving!" Sam laughed. 

"Don't worry. I just got a bunch of snacks from the other day and as the good friend I am, I saved some for you guys."

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