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HEY. THIS IS A FILLER. YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ IT, BUT I WANTED TO GIVE SOMEONE MORE SCREEN TIME. PLUS. CLIFFHANGERS ARE FUN. I swear. This will be the only filler. XD Unless. I am wanted more fillers. Alright~ Guess the POV! ;3 You'll find out. Let's just see if you can guess.

No recap because it doesn't pertain to anything. XD

___________________________________________________________MAH MILKSHAKES-

I shake my PFP. It's frozen because it's a derpwad. There's no use in rebooting. There's probably just a glitch in the game. I sigh and get off of my bed. It's 6:48. School starts at 7:15. Awesome.

I guess I can make it. I get dressed quickly in that red and white "sailor fuku" style uniform and comb my hair quickly. I check the clock again as I brush my teeth. 6:53. I figure I can still make it if I take my bike. And take the hill route to school. I'm just about finished getting ready when my demon of a cat sleepily hobbles along before lounging in front of the stairs. I contemplate kicking him down to his doom, but for all I know, his eyes could turn red, his paws becoming rockets and the next thing I know, I'm in the bathtub with a broken femur.

As calmly as I can, I step around him. Rushing, I grab my school bag off of the table and go into the kitchen quickly. Checking the time again, I stuff a piece 2 pieces of bread into the toaster.

Waiting 1 minute and 14 seconds is a long time for bready perfection. I stare at the toaster. When the bread pops up I snatch up a piece of bread and slather some grape jelly onto it. I wonder if maybe I should stop and slap together a sandwich, but I'm sick of sandwiches, so I figure I'll go and buy some food at lunch break. I run to the door with my toast in my mouth. I realize I forgot to un-plug the toaster, so I run back and do that. My parents have already left for work, and my sister's school starts earlier in the morning, so I'm the last one out of the house.

I lock the door behind me and start towards my bike. After wheeling it out of the gate, I begin to walk up this ginormous hill. It's really tiring, but I make it up in a reasonable amount of time. Sighing, I hop onto my bike and speed down the hill towards school.


I'd gotten into my classroom at 7:16. Good luck. But, now I was home and ready to kick back and watch some anime. I go up the stairs after getting the mail, once again, home alone. My mom would be back soon, and my dad would make it back after her. I'm pretty sure my sister is at her friend's house for the night, so I won't have to do anything for her. I throw my uPod on my bed and step into my closet. I dig through some cosplays and find other clothes besides my uniform. I shut the closet door and step in. I grab my uPod, so I figure I'll get down to business and see what happens to Misaki.

I go through the mail quickly, sitting on my bed. There's actually a letter for me. There's no return address, but written on the envelope,it says "Terms of Conquest" so I open it anyway. It might be some site asking me to play their sim.

Gabrielle Marth,

You have been observed for quite a while. It seems, although you don't have many close friends-

Oh, so now whoever sent this is insulting me? WHO THE RABBIT TAILS DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? ARGH. GOTTA KEEP READING.

you are closely associated with the interactions of people. It has been challenged to you to help us conquer these.... special cases. Do you accept?


-Dokurou Skull

It's weird. I guess I'm supposed to check yes or no? I decide to accept. I mean, it was speicifcally for me. Why not? Although, I do have the feeling I'm being watched. Oh whatever.

I grab my Hatsune Miku pen and check yes. The page is slightly boring, so I decide to doodle on it. I draw a Juta in the corner before deciding to draw Haruhi wearing Kyon's scarf. Then, someone loud scares me.

"Thanks for agreeing to help out! I'll be your demon part-NUHH" I grab a pillow out of shock and peg the girl in the face. She actually falls over. WHY IS SHE IN MY ROOM!?

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY," I take a second to think, "..HOW DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM?!"

Her hair is blue, which shocks me further, so as she sits up, I throw my meatbun plushie.

"Wow, your hair's blue." I say.

She grabs Meatbun and chucks it behind her. Poor Meatbun. I don't like this chick.


"Go on. Hurry up and explain."


The girl sighs and grabs a hold of her stick-staff thingy. "You just signed a contract with hell didn't you? We're going to be tracking down and capturing loose souls from old hell together," she explains.

"...Heck no! I never signed up for all that... That kind of schedule doesn't seem to leave me enough time for more important things." I mean seriously, it wasn't mentioned in the letter after all.

"Like what?" You cereal bro?

"Anime." YEAH.

"That's all?" Err...

"No... Manga and 96neko."

If she was a man, I would marry her. Oh, 96neko.

"I assure you! It shouldn't be any trouble at all. Besides,"She lowers her head so her hair covers her eyes creepily, "Contracts with Hell cannot be broken."

"If you don't comply, the collar around my neck will cut off my head," She says.

Pfft. So what.

"W-WHY SHOULD I CARE? NOW GET OUT OF MY ROOM, OR I WILL WOUND YOU." I grab the katana out from under my bed.

"You said yes... It's around your neck too." She says in defense. I reach up and touch my neck. A cold, collar is tightly bound around it.


"Oh dang it." I put my katana back and stand up. Unintentionally, I begin to pace. "So..What do I have to do exactly?"

"Help me capture loose souls."

"That's it?"


She has a gleam in her eye for some reason.

"...Alright. Since I did agree..." I say.

I just hope I don't regret this.

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