Rain Song

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I realize the last chapter sucked and made no sense at all. asdfghkl. I'm a derp, so forgive me. Every time I log on, this story has increased by like 100 reads. o _ o SOMETHING IS GOING ON THAT I AM NOT AWARE OF.  THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME. THIS STORY AS OF NOW SHALL NO LONGER SUCK.  I HOPE. BAH I CAN MAKE NO GUARANTEES. It's hard to keep going with this story because the manga isn't the same anymore. o no BUT I GOTTA STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND FINISH THIS.

HAI RECAP TIME~ *determined face*

 As irrational as it seems, it makes sense. I don't get the logic in it, but it's not for me to understand. Like flying, I can watch the birds do it, but I can't on my own power, so all I can do is understand what I can. What makes them fly: how their anatomy helps them, how specific traits are passed down for survival so they stay in the sky. 

I remember I  can  fly and face palm. Now I'm the one that doesn't make sense. I peer down at my legs which are trembling. She had scared me, with her words and her abilities. And there I went, punching her in the face. I'm violent.

And self-critical. 

Talking to her was like talking to myself. And now I'm all critical and not making much sense. I watch  water drip off of the edges of my bangs, hanging my head. I feel lost. Doing that was stupid and I'm stupid. Not as stupid as Hikari or Keima, but still stupid. 

Something hits my foot with a thump and I look down. And there when I least expected it is a vertebrae belonging to none other than Nugget. I pick it up quickly, peering from my sneakers around in the darkness.

__________________________________And I think I'm gonna hate it girl~ YEP HATE IT RAHHH

At first, I don't pay any mind to the dog scampering around, looking for some place it won't get drenched in the rain. His bones are inside of his body, and he doesn't resemble the Nugget I know at all. Nevertheless, he spots me first and runs over. I reluctantly hand him the vertebrae, and seemingly satisfied, he scoops it out of my palm and swallows it.

 I'm not weirded out as much as I expected myself to be. It would've been even stranger if he, like, sucked it up his butt or something obscure and not possible by a regular dog. Dogs like bones, so I guess it makes sense. 

"Nugget?!" I hear off in the distance. I don't have to look around to know it's Jayde, probably looking for him in an intense game of Hide and Seek in the rain. Nugget barks in response, and his tail starts to wag. I offer my hand blankly before patting his head. It seems to be a mistake after though, because the newly-blonde canine tackles me to the ground and starts making out with my face.

"STOPPITSTOPSTOPPIT," I manage to yell out, right before he shoves his tongue in my mouth. I promptly shut it, letting out a muffled cry of disgust. 

"Mako?" It's Jayde, so I turn my head, shooting her a look that says "Help". She starts laughing, and whistles. "Found ya, Nuggie. Now get off of my friend." Nugget's fluffy tail starts to wag violently and he trots away to his owner's feet. She's wearing another cool outfit, similar to the one she was wearing when I met her in Hell. 

"Thank you," I say, getting to my feet. Jayde grabs my hand for assistance and I stand up completely. 

"MAKO YOU LOOK SO SAD!" She says, already glomping me. I can handle a glomp without falling over, but I stumble back into the building slightly. I can't think of what to say, so I just deadpan,

"I am." That makes her laugh for some reason as she pulls away from me. Just as quickly as a laugh escaped her mouth, she's serious again.

"What happened?"

"I'm not really sure," I say grabbing the back of my neck and looking down, "It's sort of a long story." 

"I got time, Keiichi is kinda boring anyway." 


"That's friggin weird!" Jayde exclaims, throwing her arms in the air. We're still under the overhang, and lounging on the asphalt. Nugget is curled in a ball, and Jayde is stroking his golden fur gently. "Heh, so you can hear dead people?" She pauses for a moment, as if some question still lingers in her mind, but she speaks anyway, "Could you hear any of the old ones farting?"

"WHAT THE-" She starts laughing, startling Nugget and coaxing out of his relaxed mood. And before I know it, I'm laughing too. "How does your thought pattern even work?" I say, between giggles.

"Hell if I know," she says, her laughter dying. "Still, that's a bit interesting," Jayde pauses. "Makes sense at least," she adds. I look down at my hands. I'm absentmindedly fiddling with the ring I bought from that shop in New Hell.

"I guess. Are you busy today?"

"Nah, Keichi told me to 'Stay out of my life you simple-minded bastard!'" She shakes her fist in the air with a gruff version of her voice.

I whistle. "That's a bit harsh. Anyway, you wanna meet my brother and my buddy?"  

"Sure, sounds like fun. As soon as this rain lets up." 

"Maybe if we use our hagoromo, we won't get soaked," I suggest.

"Seems like worth a shot." Jayde carries Nugget in her arms and wraps her robe around the two of them.

"Isn't he heavy?" I ask her, adjusting my blue robe. 

"Nah, it's a simple hagoromo-disguise. He's still as light as he was before."

"Hm." I step out into the rain, testing to see if this'll even work. I'm not touched by a single drop. "Aha! Just as I thought, water-proof. Let's go," I say, stepping out into the downpour, with Jayde close behind.

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