Chapter 4

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Ella sinks onto her bed, Sean beside her. 'You okay?' he asks.

She swallows, a clear answer to his question. She's far from okay. Her heart is hammering against her chest. She can't believe everything she has done over the past few days. Her remorse is getting the better of her, and it's made worse at the thought that she has lied to protect herself; to hide what she did at the expense of doing the right thing. One thing she knows is now that she has told that initial lie, she has to stick with it. Despite the horrible feelings it's stirring within her, she has to keep up the front she has made. Not just because she doesn't want to change her story, but she knows Charlene will disown her and she'll implicate the others in the process if she spills the truth. The horrible truth of what happened last Friday night.

'I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to act like this never happened.'

Sean nods in silent understanding. He takes her hand as she relives short glimpses of that night.


Sean, Daniel and Ella follow Martin from the house of intoxicated classmates dancing to the blaring music, who stalks after Sophie. She had been trying to catch up to a drunken Lisa. As Lisa legs it down the street and gets closer to her desired destination, she starts to clamour, embarrassing Sophie all the more. 'Hey Kooky A,' she calls. 'Are you home? We want to hear some of your stories.'

Once Sophie finally catches up to her, Lisa makes her way to the dilapidated shack at Starryton's edge. 'Kooky A?' she repeats.

'Lisa,' Sophie hisses. 'Get back here.'

'Come on,' Lisa replies, gesturing her towards her with a wave. 'I want to find out if what she tells people is true.' She giggles excitedly as she raps on the door.

Sophie shakes her head and dashes towards her. Martin steps in front of her. 'Sophie, just leave her. Don't go near that house. That woman is crazy.'

'I know,' she replies. 'Which is why I can't let Lisa go near her alone. She's intoxicated.'

Martin sighs as she steps past him. He turns to the others, as Lisa swings the door open, revealing a dark and dusty hallway. She smiles at the group and creeps inside. 'Shhhh, I don't think she's home.'

'Lisa, seriously, come on, get away from there,' Martin and Sophie order.

'Oh, don't be such pussies,' Lisa scolds. 'I'm going with or without you.'

The floorboards make an unruly creaking noise as she steps into the dark hallway. Ella, Sean and Daniel follow as Sophie and Martin reluctantly make their way in after her. They tread carefully while Lisa stomps loudly through the house. She flicks on a light switch, which illuminates a single, dangling light bulb above their head.

There are papers scattered all around the floor. Cobwebs dangle from the ceiling and dust bunnies scurry across the floor as they step further and further into the house. Suddenly, Daniel feels an urge to leave. 'Guys, I don't have a good feeling about this place. We should leave.'

'Danny boy,' Lisa giggles. 'Don't tell me you're afraid. I think you watch too many horror movies.'

To prove her otherwise, he ignores the apprehensive feeling stirring within him and stays put in the house. 'She must be out,' Sean says.

'Yay,' Lisa squeals. 'So, we can have a little fun of our own. Where do you think this supposed game is?'

Ella takes slow, steady steps until her feet are planted on a curled up square rug. She looks beneath her feet and pulls the rug from the floor. She tosses it aside and lifts the trap door it had been concealing. 'Here,' she says.

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