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As far as the locals of Starryton are concerned, the disappearances of Ella Neary, Charlene Kirby, Sean McGreal and Daniel Stone were cases of four friends fleeing their hometown to escape their parents for a period, who eventually came to their senses and returned home. Abi Prendergast's death is a still unsolved murder, with no sufficient evidence to charge anyone. And the deaths of the Sheriff, a number of his deputies, and Lisa O'Dwyer are due to a vicious attack by an animal still prowling in the shadows of the town. That's what's been reported in the Starryton Journal.

It's as though, among the residents, the denseness of the aura hanging over their heads has been reduced. As teenagers walk down the street, they no longer feel the need to look over their shoulders. They're no longer afraid of being abducted, murdered, not by a human hand anyway. The animal still looming around the town is the biggest problem. The animal they perceive to be lurking nearby. This lie is making them afraid to walk alone. To go out after dark. But, if everyone knew the truth, it'd only make everything worse. It'd stir up a greater sense of hysteria, that, after the chain of dark events to have occurred in Starryton, the people don't need.

Only eight people in the town's population know the truth. Eight people who have agreed to keep it to themselves. With the threat of the Gamemaster removed from their lives and the ones they hold dear, these residents would like to move forward, as much as is humanly possible with the tragic events that have befallen their lives. One of them, who has been particularly affected by the adversities, especially wants to get on with his life.

And that's what he's doing now, as he zips up his suitcase and studies his bedroom. Daniel sits on his bed and smiles at the photograph of him as a little boy, hugging into his sister and parents. He turns to face Marissa as she enters with two mugs in her hand. 'All packed?'

'Yeah,' he smiles.

She smiles at him, but her eyes look almost glassy, as though she's going to cry. 'I'm going to miss you, sweetie.'

'Mom,' he says. 'It's only college. I'll be back here on the weekends, most of them, anyway, to see you. And Sean.'

'I know you want to go to college,' she says. 'And I support you, but I'm going to miss having you around all the time. I wish you could find a job here, like Sean.'

He nods. 'I'm only going to be a state away, Mom,' he says. 'It's Indiana. It's not like I'm going all the way to Arizona.'

'I know,' she says. 'But I'll still miss you.'

'I'll miss you too, Mom,' he says, looking around his bedroom again. 'I am going to miss this place too.'

'No, you won't,' she smiles. 'You'll be too busy studying and meeting new people to miss it.' She glances to the photograph and places a hand to his shoulder. 'He'd be really proud of you, you know?'

He nods and releases a sigh. 'I really should get going,' he says.

Marissa walks out with him to the car, her arm linked in his until he reaches the trunk and tosses his suitcase inside. 'Right,' she says, wrapping her arms around him. 'You're not going anywhere without giving your old mother a hug.'

He chuckles lightly as he hugs her. 'Promise you'll call me when you get there?'

'I promise,' he smiles.

She blinks back tears and continues to smile at her son with pride. They wave at each other by means of his wing mirror as he pulls away. Shades on his eyes, he allows the cool breeze of the day to blow against his face as he drives. Not a care in the world, he trails down the road. He comes to an abrupt halt as a figure blurs across his vision and he slams the brakes. His tyres screech as the car comes to a stop, and he watches in disbelief as the figure advances toward him. The disbelief turns to terror as he recognises her. Abi, stalking towards him.

A dead girl, no longer dead, approaching his car, three months on from her passing.

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