Chapter 10

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As Abi's casket is carried down the aisle of the church, the congregation angle their heads to follow her procession to the altar. Tears stream to Charlene's cheeks as her coffin is rested down. She takes hold of Bernie's hand and squeezes it gently in an attempt to provide solace as Joe is called to the altar.

'Hi everyone,' he swallows. 'As you all know, Abi, she was my daughter. And, I'd like to share a little bit about her. From the moment she started to walk and talk, we always knew she was capable of great things. We had, only, just a month ago, been having some serious conversations about her college applications.'

Joe pauses, swallows, wipes a tear from the side of his face and continues. 'She had wanted to go to NYU, and we supported her in that wish, but we were both very concerned about her going off to another state. We were worried that something could happen to her while away from Illinois, where we wouldn't be able to protect her. But, the truth is,' he stumbles, a river of tears continuing to flow down his face. 'We failed to protect her, even when she was right at home. Our daughter is gone because we weren't, we weren't, we—'

As he continues to choke on his tears, Sophie makes an abrupt exit from the church. She dashes for the double doors, a large number of the congregation fixing their gaze on her as she pulls open the door and allows it to slam closed. Charlene assumes Joe's position as Sophie disappears out of sight. She wants to check up on her cousin, but deems taking over the eulogy more important. Besides, she thinks. Martin's following her to check up on her.

She catches eye contact with Daniel, who nods and smiles to encourage her. She nods and digresses from where Joe left off. 'I think, that, the message we can take from what has happened to Abi, is that, we all need to look out for each other. Abi was my best friend. We had our ups and our downs, but that didn't change, that, at the back of it, I still loved her. I'll always love her, and I hope that one day soon, the person responsible for tearing Abi from our lives and cutting her life so short, will be brought to justice. In fact, I'll do everything I can to make sure that becomes a reality.'

Daniel's smile weakens; he bows his head. He can't believe what he has just heard. He shakes his head as Charlene takes to her seat again.

After the service, Daniel takes his girlfriend aside. 'What was that?' he demands.

Charlene furrows her eyebrow. 'What do you mean?'

He sighs. 'I mean "I'll do everything I can to make sure that becomes a reality." For God's sake, Charlene, today was about Abi, her funeral, not whatever plans you have to avenge her death. How could stand up there and say that? Not even that, but did you even consider the possibility that her murderer was among the congregation and you've just made yourself a target to them?'

She places her hands to her hips. 'Daniel,' she snaps. 'My best friend was murdered, in her own home. Let's put it this way; if you found out tomorrow that somebody had killed Sean, would you sit around and do nothing while they were walking free?'

'I, I—'

'Exactly,' she interrupts. 'Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go say goodbye to my friend.'

As she storms away, Daniel releases a weary sigh, turns down the pathway to the back of the church and follows the sound of Sophie's hyperventilated breaths until he reaches her and Martin. She's leaning forward, taking in deep breaths as Martin holds his arm around her. 'Sis,' he says. 'Come on, calm down.'

'I can't do this,' she quivers. 'I can't lie to Charlene anymore. Or anyone else. We've destroyed people's lives with what we've done.'

Lisa turns around the corner. 'I know,' she replies. Slowly, she extends a hand to Sophie, who watches for a moment and reaches back towards her. She pulls Lisa into a hug. 'Sophie, I'm sorry I was such a bitch. Everyone else, I'm sorry too. I've finally realised that you're right. What we did has to have something to do with it. I had the dream as well. And I don't want that to come true, so we all need to stick together, support each other, and talk about this between ourselves so that nobody feels so overburdened by it that they let it slip to someone outside the game. We'll all be there for each other from now on, agreed?'

'Agreed,' they all murmur.

'Right,' Martin says. 'We'd better get back to the funeral.'

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