Chapter 6

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As Daniel dashes out the door, he pushes back the arms of his oversize jacket to his wrists. He unlocks the car and is about to hop inside when a familiar voice calls him. 'Daniel, wait,' his father instructs, making his way along the pavement to meet him.

He feels a pit form in his stomach at the sight of him. He hasn't physically seen the man in three and a half years and it overwhelms him, which he makes every attempt to hide from him. He frowns; his feeble attempt at coming across as disinterested.

'What are you doing here?'

'To see you,' he replies. 'I just want to talk.'

He swallows and fidgets with the key in his hand. 'You've had your chances,' he replies. He steps towards the car again, and his father places his hand to his shoulder.

'I understand that you're angry, Daniel. And I completely get it if you never want to see me again. But, please let me talk to you. Let me take you out for dinner tonight.'

He waits for a moment, contemplating the offer. He shakes his head and hops into the front seat of the car. 'Can't,' he dismisses. 'Busy. Sorry.'

And then, at the speed of a whippet, he turns onto the next street, leaving his father standing on the curb.


'Lisa, I know we promised we wouldn't ever tell anyone about this, but I'm finding it too hard to keep it in.'

A bottle of nail polish in her hand, she leans forward and begins applying a coat to her toe nails. 'Uh huh,' she says.

Propped on the end of Lisa's bed, Sophie stares at her, hurt. 'Lisa, are you even listening to what I'm saying?'

She turns around to Sophie. 'Sorry, did you say something? I wasn't listening.'

The frame of the bed creaks as Sophie springs herself upwards. 'You know what? Forget it. That wall would be better at listening to me than you. Everything is always about you and what's going on with you. I'm starting to think Ella's right. I don't think you even have a conscience.'

'Of course, I do,' she objects. 'I'd just rather put what we did to the back of mind so that it doesn't drive me crazy.'

'You know, I tried to be your friend. When everybody back bites about you, saying how much of a bitch you are, I always step in and say, oh she's not that bad, but you know what? I have no idea why anymore Lisa. Because they're right.'

'Sophie,' she cuts in.

'I've got to go,' Sophie digresses. 'See you around, Lisa.'

As Sophie stomps down the steps of the staircase in Lisa's home, she allows tears to flow down her face at ease.


Sean, Daniel and Martin face each other, each of them propped on a desk in a vacant classroom.

'Are you serious?' Sean asks.

'Yeah,' Daniel swallows. 'Here's the note.'

He rummages through his bag and pulls the torn envelope from the front of his pocket. 'This is what she said, word for word,' he tells them. 'You played the game, boy. Now, it's going to play you and history will repeat itself.'

A mixture of shock and confusion becomes evident on both their faces. 'What does she mean it's going to play you? And history will repeat itself.'

'I have no idea,' he admits. 'I was thinking of going to see her and asking her.'

'Want us to come with you?' Martin offers.

'Yeah,' he says. 'Meet me at my car after school.'


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