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Q: Why can't the bicycle stand on it's own?
A: It's too tired

Q: What do you get if you cross a bike and a flower?
A: Bicycle petals

Q: Why can't a bicycle stand up on its own?
A: Because it's too tired

Q: What do you call a bicycle built by a chemist?
A: Bike-carbonate of soda

Q: Why couldn't Cinderella win the bicycle race?
A: She has a pumpkin for a coach

Q: What's the hardest thing about winning the Tour De France?
A: Telling your parents that your gay

Q: What do you call a professional cyclist who just broke up with his girlfriend?
A: Homeless

Q: Do you know what is the hardest part of learning to ride a bike?
A: The pavement

1.My mate punched a driver for pulling into the bike lane. He's a bit of a cycle-path

2.There was a massive tropical storm while I was out riding my bike. I decide to cyclone

3.My bike-mad cousin dropped out of university after one lecture. He was disappointed when he realised it wasn’t pronounced cycle-ology

4.I run a surgery practice for cyclists who want to remove one of their eyes. It’s called ‘Cycle-ops’

5.The dude who makes my wheels suffers from narcolepsy. He just gets wheelie, wheelie tyred

6.Apparently there was a type of dinosaur which used to ride a bike. The velo-ciraptor

7.A female boxer let the air out of both my wheels recently. I had two puncture

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