Chapter 6

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After minutes of waiting, a little plus sign appeared.

No, this can't be happening, I'll be pregnant for graduation, I'll be pregnant for prom, I'll be pregnant the last few weeks of high school. It felt like all my freedom had been taken away. How will my family react? How will my friends react? I'm in high school and I'm pregnant at the age of seventeen! I knew the party was a mistake! Ugh, I can't believe I went! I feel so foolish and stupid. I'll be grounded until I give birth! I can't believe-

"Knock, knock?" I heard Justin's voice.

"I need my space Justin," I responded.

"Does that mean I'm going to be a dad?"

"I never said that."

"Just answer the question, negative or positive?"

"Doesn't concern you."

"Does to! It's my baby, if you're pregnant."

I opened the door and showed him the test. His face fell immediately. He has it so much easier, he's not the one carrying a baby inside of him for nine months!


"Hell No. My family doesn't believe in them." I told him.

"Do you really want to be a teenaged mother? No, didn't think so."

"But I can't!"

"Just do it," he said, calmly.

"I'm the one carrying this baby so it's my decision, and I say no abortion!"

"Are you kidding me? It'd be so much easier to just get an abortion, plus do you want to be fat?"

"I wouldn't be fat, I'd be pregnant."


"Can I have some rest?" I asked.

"Sure," he said leaving quickly.

I went out his window and into my room and flopped on my bed, back first.

That's when the thought hit me: I got pregnant by a player.


After my nap, I walked downstairs to get some food. I went into the kitchen and surprisingly saw my whole family there, minus Mike.

Mom was crying. Dad was trying to comfort her. Melissa was crying, too but not as much as mom.

"What's going on?" I asked slowly, kind of nervous to hear the answer.

Just then the doorbell rang. I went and answered it. The neighbours from across the road appeared in front of me. They had a son, my age and a daughter Mike's age.

"We are so sorry," The mother, Alicia, told me with tears in her eyes. That's when Mom cried even more and I let the Johnsons' in. Caleb, the one my age gave me a hug.

I finally let go. I saw Alicia comforting Mom and Dad wasn't there. Jasmine, Alicia's daughter, was talking to Melissa.

What the hell was going on?

"I'm so sorry," Caleb told me.


"Your loss, what else?"

My what? Oh, my God! Where's Mike? Tears started coming into my eyes. Mike's gone, he's never coming back! With that, I broke down and cried. This whole thing was like a crying fest.

Caleb was now on the ground next to me, his arms around me while I cried into his chest.

It felt like my world fell into the darkness. A huge hole was in my chest.

Just then, Mike came into the kitchen. "Hey, why's everyone crying?"

"Mike? MIKE!" I yelled and ran up and hugged him. "Wait, why aren't you dead?"

"I'm supposed to be dead? You hate me that much?"

"If you're not the dead one, who is?" I asked turning to my dad.

"Your grandma, died yesterday night," My dad informed me.

That's why mom was crying so much , her mother died. If I lost my mother, I'd cry twice as much as she is now.

"But... No... How?" I was stuttering.

"She just died in her sleep."

I broke down and cried all over again. This can't be happening. The last time I saw her, I was fourteen, now I'm seventeen and pregnant. This is going to be the saddest birthday ever.

I can't tell them now that I'm pregnant, I have to wait because this is the wrong time.

It All Started When.. I Got Pregnant By A Player (A Jelena Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now