Cicero x Reader ~Requested~ ~Fluff~

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Thanks so much for the request, mizuki_sukigara!

I smiled at Cicero, who just fell into a lake.

"Cicero, do you need help?" I asked.

"W-what? No! Poor Cicero is...just...a little...ugh...stuck..." He said between grunts and attempts at pulling himself free from mud and muck that has trapped his foot. 

"Just take your boots off!" I suggested.

"Cicero is unable to do that, Listener..." He said, looking up at me.

"Do I need to come down there?" I asked, crouching down.

"No, no! Don't! The lucky Listener will get stuck, too!"Cicero said with wide, amber eyes.

"W-wait...what's that noise?" I heard the sound of scraping and spider-like sounds. Spiderman, Spiderman, please don't poison me, Spiderman...

"Y/N, LOOK OUT!" Cicero yelled, but it was too late. I fell to the soft grass, my vision blurring and becoming dark. 

"I-I'm fine..Cicero.." I said with a cough. I got back up and brought out my weapon, and killed the spider that poisoned me.

"Is the Listener alright?" Cicero asked, finally taking off his boots after much time passed, and freeing himself. He ran over to me, barefoot, and held me in arms and I fell back down.

"It's just a little poison, Cicero." I said, clutching the spot the spider hit me with poison. "GET ME A SURGEON!" If anyone gets this reference, you're my new friend! ((cough cough Shakespeare)) :) I yelled out. But it was too late, my vision turned black, and I felt cold, even with Cicero holding me close to him.

"Y/n!" He yelled. He brushed some of my h/c hair out of my face, and carried me to the new sanctuary. 

"BABETTE! NAZIR!! COME QUICK!!" Cicero yelled at the entrance. Quickly, the Redguard and vampiric child came, and gasped.

"What happened to her?" Nazir asked, picking me up from Cicero's arms, and holding me close to him. 

"While the Listener and I were out exploring new areas, poor Cicero got his foot stuck in a lake, and couldn't save the poor Y/n from a frostbite spider! She had enough strength to kill it, but once I got my foot free, she fell and I caught her, then brought her here for help." Cicero explained, his voice going up a bit.

"We need to get her to warmth, and get that poison out of her system!" Babette said, tugging at Nazir's sleeve, then pulling him to a fireplace.

"You're lucky I have this potion on me, Jester." Nazir said and brought the bottle to my lips, and I drank the healing potion. It didn't seem to effect anything at all.

"D-did it work!?" Cicero asked. Nazir swore under his breath and put his hands over me, a yellow/golden glow emitted from his fingertips, trying to heal me.

"You're a bad healer." Babette said to Nazir, who gave her a frown.

"Well, why don't you try?" He said.

"With pleasure." Babette placed her hand on my forehead, and closed her eyes. An orange glow surrounded us, and I felt myself get colder.

"Stop, stop! You're making her worse!" Cicero warned. Babette stopped, and Cicero tried.

"Cicero, do you even know how to get rid of poison- oh." Nazir stopped himself, when Cicero brought out a cure poison potion, and brought it to my lips, and I drank it. I didn't feel cold anymore..but I couldn't move, or open my eyes, still.

"I'm sorry,..w-we've lost another family member." Nazir said, and got up, Babette followed behind him and they left to go do who knows what. 

But Cicero stayed.

"Listener, I know you're not dead. The Night Mother knows you're not dead. You know you're not dead. Please, wake up...Cicero misses your soft touch, your bright e/c eyes, your fun personality, your soft hair blowing in the wind,...Please,...Please,...for Sithis sake,...wake up..." Cicero sobbed, and I felt something warm fall on my cheek, dripping onto the floor. It's almost as if I could actually hear him, even though I blacked out. I opened my eyes, my pupils becoming large, then small. 

"Ci-Cicero..?" Cicero's amber eyes found their way to me, and he gasped as the biggest smile I've ever seen spread across his face. He tackled me down in a hug, and clung close to me.

"Cicero knew the Listener would still be alive! Cicero knew, yes he did!" Cicero did a little dance in happiness, and hugged me again, and I fell to the floor, him on top of me. I hugged him back tightly, and snuggled into his neck. I stood up after a couple minutes.

"Y/n knew she'd make it too, Cicero." I said.

"What's all the- Y/n! You're alive?!" Nazir said in surprise. Babette came in and hugged my leg.

"Mama N/n! I thought y-you died!?" It's funny how Babette says she's my age, yet she still acts like a child sometimes. I patted her head and picked her up. She clung to me, and snuggled me.

"Cicero wants to snuggle you as well!" Cicero said and picked me up, I gently put Babette down, and clung to Cicero, snuggling my face into his neck. Cicero brought me his room, and laid me on his bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid next to me. We were both facing left, and I felt him snuggle closer to me.

"Cicero knew." He mumbled softly. I felt him nip at my ear, and I yelped.

"Cicero, what the heck?!" I yelled.

"What? Cicero wants to snuggle, so Cicero will snuggle!"

"Fine, just don't do that again, please..." I said, with a blush.

"Anything for the Listener."

896 Words! :D

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