Days Gone By

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Bellamy's Pov:
I was still pissed that my wife was kidnapped and I was the one who drove her away from me, she killed my sister because if she hadn't my sister would have killed us all meaning the only person behind this matter is Lincoln who has been pissed for so many years I wouldn't blame him for hating on Clarke but he has no right to kill her or our unborn baby. I so desperately wanted to punch him in the face. It's been a few days since Lincoln took my Clarke and if he took her anywhere it be one of the caves near Mt. Weather because those are places he never be found by any of the group.

I started packing some gear we kept in the house, my bag contained some water, food, a lamp, and a pack of 50 waterproof matches. I'm coming Clarke I said out loud I was muscular and ready for anything he threw at me, I still can't wait to hurt Lincoln.

I then headed out.

*Few hours later*

I arrived at a certain cave that had a dim light source and I started walking into the cave when I was confronted by Lincoln himself that bastard took my wife and my unborn child, surprisingly Lincoln did not hold a gun in his hand when confronting me

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