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Hanna: You know what I wonder?

Emily: What?

Hanna: How am I here?

Alison: I thought your mom told you this when you were 12?

Hanna: Not that, I mean...how are humans here?

Spencer: Evolution

Hanna: Like, that guy Chad Dawson?

Spencer: You mean Charles Darwin?

Hanna: Sure whatever

Aria: Isn't he the guy that believed humans were descended from fish?

Spencer: Yep


Alison: No Han you weren't a fish

Hanna: So....I wasn't Nemo?

Spencer: More like Dory

Aria: Spencer...

Spencer: 😒

Alex: What's happening?

Spencer: Your girlfriend is an idiot

Hanna: I'm just asking logical questions

Alex: What question?

Hanna: If we descended from fish, are we fish?

Alex: Yes

Spencer: No!

Alex: You know what fish you are Han?

Hanna: What?

Alex: A sucker fish

Spencer: Why would she be a sucker fish...

Spencer: Wait...

Spencer: ALEX

Alex: 🤣

Hanna: What would I suck though?

Alex: The dirt off the tank...aka me.

Alison: So you're dirt?

Alex: Yep

Emily: I admire you Alex

Alex: Why thank you

Spencer: I'm hurt


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