Chapter Four

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Damian sat beside Jonathon grabbing his hand. He whispers, ¨I love you Jon.¨

Damian didn't want to cry, but his heart was breaking. He didn't know there was a bomb in the building. Maybe no one knew, or if they did why didn't anyone tell him. Jonathon was still badly hurt and barely awake. Something else was wrong with him but Damian didn't know just yet and he will know soon. After a few minutes, Clark came walking in with his wife by his side, Damian stepped aside but noticed Clark had to back away from his son.

¨Mr. Kent, is there something wrong?¨ Damian asked

Clark became weaker as he stood by his son, Lois knew something was off and rush her husband off. ¨I think there was kryptonite in the bomb, nothing normally hurts him unless it was that. Get your father he can help with this.¨ She said.

Damian was confused but did what she said, running out of the room as fast as he could to save the boy he loved. He ran through the halls finally he found his father pacing.

¨Father.¨ He called out sounding angry.

Bruce turns facing his son with a worried look on his face. ¨What is it, Damian.¨

¨Itś Jon, Mrs.Kent believes there was kryptonite in the bomb.¨ He spoke his voice becoming weakly.

¨Why would she think that?¨ He asked looking confused.

¨Mr. Kent came in to visit Jon and he could barely stand by him.¨

That done it for Bruce, it ran down the hall grabbing something out of his office before heading to the room where Jon was in. Damian followed but he couldn't go back into the room. His heart was breaking, he couldn't stand seeing his love in pain. He had to leave, he had to get out of there. He ran back to the front door and grab his chest, His breathing became heavy, his vision became blurry. He never felt like this before, he never felt sorrow for someone like this before, he never loved anyone like this before. He didn't even feel any bit of sorrow when his mother died. He hated this feeling but at the same time, he loved it. He never thought he would ever feel like this for anyone.

Damian stared into the hallway tears falling down his face, Selina walked out of her husband's office where she spotted Damian falling apart. She walked up to him pulling him close to her chest. He didn't resist, he wrapped his arms around her and started sobbing.

Selina held him close whispering in his ear. ¨He will be okay, I promise.¨

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