Chapter Five

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A nightmare can only come true if you let it be so, a person who threatens you can only terrify you if you let them. A sunset can only brighten your life if you can truly see the beauty in it, a night full of stars can only calm you if you can see the light that truly burns inside your heart. Only you can fix the mistakes you have made, only you can forgive the people who have broken your heart if you can see that they didn't mean it. Only you can forgive someone if they beg for your forgiveness. You can't let your anxiety and depression rule your life because they are the only thing that gives you comfort when you lay down to rest at night. No one person can rule your life unless you let them.

Damian held onto Selina's tight tears striming down his face. He was feeling weak and he hated it. He wanted Jon to wake up, he needed him to wake up. Damian gripped harder on Selina then let her go. He wiped his face and looked at her.

"Damian, is everything alright?" She asked.

He nodded, then turned quickly when he heard someone behind them. It was Lex Luthor, this angered Damian. Selina walked towards him, face full of anger.

"Why are you here? You are not wanted."

"I am. Clark asked me to come. I am here to help Jonathan."

"Why would he do that?" Damian asked.

"Even though we aren't on good terms we were best friends once, he saved my life so many times, and this a favor from me to him. I want nothing in return." Said Lex.

Damian laughed in response. "How do we know you won't hurt him more than he already is?"

"You don't, but your father is going to be by my side to watch me do my work. I have no corral with Jonathan, and I wouldn't hurt him just out of spite."

Damian walked away, he left the building completely needing air. He stepped outside, took a deep breath and slid down the wall. His chest was pounding, he could hear it in his ears. His breathing became heavy, tears falling down his face. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't think, he couldn't do anything. He just wanted everything to stop. Time, the world, Everything. He sat there for hours, no one realized he had left, he fell asleep on the balcony, where he dreamt of Jonathan.


It's now five hours and Damian and Jonathan were still asleep, not aware of what was happening. Raven, Lex, Bruce, and Lois stood in front of Jonathan's bed waiting for Lex's formula to work but so far nothing. Lois was getting worried, he should have woke up by now. Something was wrong, Jonathan's heartbeat was weakening and his breathing was shallow. Lois turned to Lex, tears in her eyes.

"What is happening to my son Lex?" She asked.

"I- I don't know. It should have worked. I have no idea why it didn't." He said.

Bruce grabbed him quickly and hard. "If you hurt this boy, the boy my son loves, you will pay. Understand. To save him. Do test and save him."

Lex had fear written all over him, Bruce had frightened him before, but this time. This time, he was truly feared for his life. If he can't find a way to save Jonathan, there will be four angry people wanting him dead, and he did not want that. So instead he quickly grabbed a needle and shoved into Jonathan's arm, took some blood and placed it into a machine. After a few minutes, he turned to Bruce and Lois.

"What, what is it?" They asked in unison.

"We need Clark in here now, I have to take blood from him. Damian too."

"Wait, what. Why does Damian need to come in here?" Bruce asked.

"There is something in his blood that mixed with Clark's blood it could heal Jonathan within seconds."

"What do you know of my Son's blood?!" Bruce snapped stepping forward.

The Lex everyone knew showed himself. "How do you think Thalia knew how to make a clone of him Bruce, I helped her. The short time that he was gone, I had him locked away. I took his blood. Being the grandson of the Demon's head has its benefits. How do you explain how he survives half of the things he does Bruce?"

At this Bruce punched him, making him fall backward. Bruce was angry, rightfully so. He stepped forward again, grabbed him and shoved him into a wall. "This was a mistake letting you come here. Leave everything here and leave. Now."

Lex stared at him, fear entering him again. He quickly stood up and ran out. Bruce just stood there, staring at Jonathan, worried about him, worried about his son. He ran out of the room and walked the halls looking for his son.

"Damian! Damian, where are you?" He called out. He looked inside the rooms but couldn't find him. He decided to look outside, once he did he found Damian asleep, and wet. Bruce picked him up and brought him inside and took him to the room Jonathan was. Lois and Raven were gone by that point so Bruce laid Damian on the bed beside Jon. He left them like that, smiled and walked out of the room.


After another seven more hours Damian woke up, with Jonathan curled up beside him. He sat up and pulled Jonathan closer to him. He gave a small smile and closed his eyes. He hoped he was okay, he hoped he was "Awake."

Damian's eyes opened up again when he heard the door open and seen his father walk in. He didn't move, he just laid there staring at him.

"Damian, your finally awake. I thought we would have to put a heart monitor on you." He said with a laugh.

"Why, wasn't I only asleep for two hours?"

"No, you were out for twelve hours. That is very unusual for you. I was worried."

"Oh, is Jon okay?"

"Yes. He woke up a few hours ago, but once he saw you next to him, he fell back asleep."

"How did you get him to wake up?"

"Now, before you get upset. We had to use your blood and Clark's just for his body to regenerate."

Damian nodded and looked backed at Jonathan. "At least he is okay. "

Bruce was baffled, his son was not upset. Now that is different, but he didn't say a word. He just stood there and smiled.

"Well then, we do have some things we need to discuss."

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