Chapter Six

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"Well then, we do have some things we need to discuss."

Damian looked at his father with curiosity filling his brain. "What do we have to discuss?" He asked

"While Lex was here, he told me some things that I think you should hear."

"What is it, Father?" 

"Did you remember when I was gone, because of your mother and she cloned you," Bruce said looking down.

"Yes, I did kill him." 

"Well, he decided that he wanted to tell us that he took your blood test it and found the perks of being the Demon head's grandson."

Damian was in shock. He looked at Jon and grabbed his hand. "He's alive, that's all I can ask for right now."

Bruce nodded his head. " He should wake up again soon. But Lex, I'm going to handle him."

Damian shook his head," I will deal with him."

Bruce was didn't know what to say. He just gave a nod to Damian then left the room. Damian looked at Jon once more,his heart beating a mile a minute. He could hear it in his ears. Laying his head back, he ran his hand through his hair. Jon moved beside him, bringing up his head. Jon looked at Damian with loving eyes.

"Hey, sleepy head." Damian said

Jon smiled,"Hey."

Damian put his head closer to Jon. Bringing his face closer, he pulled him into a kiss. Electricty running through the both of them.  Smiling, Damian pulled away,  Jon hopelessly sighing.

"You tease." He said looking up at Damian. Jon smiled as he looked into his eyes. His brown eyes swirling.  

Damian laughed, "I know." He said as he pulled Jon into a deep passionate kiss and holding him tight against his chest not wanting to let him go. 

"Well well well, what do we have here?" A dark minace voice far to familiar for Jon's likey.

"Manchester Black. What do you want." Jon said barely turning away from Damian.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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