Chapter Fourteen

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Night fell over the territories around the lake. A cold breeze stirred Aspenpaw's fur as she padded up the slope next to her ginger mentor. Leaf-bare was on its way. They followed the stream upward. Aspenpaw trailed behind the medicine cats from all the different Clans.
The Moonpool glimmered as stars reflected in the water below. The cats followed the winding path down to the water's edge. Aspenpaw started forward to touch her nose to the ice cold water, but a soft tail stopped her before she could reach it.
"Before we begin tonight's dreaming, I would like to preform a ceremony that goes back moon upon moon; to pass on wisdom for generations to come," Duskheart breathed.
      Aspenpaw felt herself shiver deep inside as she started to understand what was taking place.
       Duskheart stepped toward Aspenpaw, green eyes shinning. "I, Duskheart, medicine cat of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons."
       Something cold and sharp seem to claw Aspenpaw's insides; all of the words Duskheart spoke seemed to crumble. Will I really serve my Clan to the best of my abilities?
       "Aspenpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" Duskheart continued.
       The same feeling, yet more intense still, raked Aspenpaw's heart. The first few words Duskheart had said caught Aspenpaw and made her really think about what her future held.  Duskheart's words rang in her head. Do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat..?
       Aspenpaw hesitated, not meeting Duskheart's eyes. "I do," she murmured. She trembled at her own lie.
       "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Aspenpaw, from this moment you will be known as Aspenrose. StarClan honors your speed and thoughtfulness, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ThunderClan." Duskheart nodded at her apprentice.
Redsplash was the first to congratulate Aspenrose, bouncing up and down in joy. "Well done, Aspenrose!"
Firepool dipped her head, and Minnowpaw nodded shyly. Skybreeze laid his tail briefly on Aspenrose's shoulders before turning to the Moonpool.
Aspenrose waited until all the other medicine cats had settled down beside the Moonpool. She started to pad up to the water, but a thought stopped her in her tracks. Handsome copper eyes filled her mind. How will I ever find the strength to follow my heart?

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