Chapter Nineteen

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Red dawn light shone from overhead. The sky was a wonderful canvas of many warm hues. Aspenrose padded out of the rock crevice that was her den, and padded over to the fresh-kill pile. New-leaf had brought a clouded sky and a light drizzle that morning.
Aspenrose reached down and grabbed a blackbird for her mentor and a mouse for herself. She padded back to her den and caught a glimpse of a white tom with tabby patches. Aspenrose turned her head to see Harestar's gaze resting on her, before her quickly looked away and padded up to his deputy, Fawntail.
Aspenrose inwardly sighed before returning to her den. She placed the blackbird at Firepool's paws before returning to sorting the rest of the herbs she had laid out. Firepool nodded gratefully, stopping her work to eat.
Between a mouthful, she glanced up at Aspenrose. "Why don't you take a break," Aspenrose perked her ears but kept focused on her job. "You've been sorting herbs since you woke up. I can take it from here."
Aspenrose gave a grateful glance at her dark ginger mentor before grabbing her mouse in her jaws and trotting our of the den.
She searched the camp clearing for a place to eat her prey. Harestar and Fawntail were sitting together, most likely planning the hunting patrols. Sandheart and Crookedwing were sharing tongues, and Silverleaf and Crystalflame sat in deep conversation with Heathermoon.
Every other cat must have been out on dawn patrol or hunting. Aspenrose padded over to a spot by herself, but before she could sit down, a gray tabby and white she-cat padded up to her.
"Wanna join me?" Addertuft stood over her with a vole dangling in her jaws. "I'm headed to the rise above the camp," she pointed with her tail.
Aspenrose shrugged her shoulders. "Sure."
She never had been treated like this before, and she didn't know how to act or respond, but she followed Addertuft anyways.

"Really?" Aspenrose laughed at Addertuft's story.
Addertuft's hazel eyes sparkled. "Yes! And then my mentor started laughing, not even trying to help me get out!" Addertuft smiled. "It was leaf-bare too, so the water was so cold. I went back to camp shivering and drenched. My fellow apprentices almost made me sleep outside!"
Aspenrose smiled as Addertuft ended her story, looking out at the purple heather before her.
Her smile faded as she became serious again. "It's much more beautiful here than in the forest," she didn't take her eyes off the moor as she spoke. "There's no trees blocking out the sunsets. And no undergrowth to trip you. The open air feels great in your fur..."
Aspenrose let her voice trail off to look up at Addertuft. She gazed back down at her. "It's good to have someone to talk to," Addertuft smiled. "It's good to have a friend."
Aspenrose was taken aback. A friend? She had never had a real friend before. She liked it. Being alone was nice sometimes, but Aspenrose wanted someone to look out for, someone to look out for her.
Addertuft's gaze sparkled with amusement. "C'mon, I'll race you to the lake shore!"
Aspenrose bounded after Addertuft, letting the wind carry her forwards. Her paws were light upon the ground, and her strides came quick. She felt like she could fly, and all her worries and doubts left her as she sped beside Addertuft: her friend.

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