Chapter Thirty-One

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       A cream cat padded over the familiar bark of the tree-bridge. She gripped the fallen tree with her claws, making her way to the edge, and jumped down to land in soft sand. Aspenrose pushed through the brambles, ice blue eyes searching the clearing.
       The Great Oak caught her eye, it's ancientness drawing her in. Many Clan leaders, moons upon moons, had sat in its branches, giving news to fellow Clans. She padded up to it, peering up into its great canopy.
       Aspenrose leaped onto the trunk, gripping tightly with her claws to the thick bark. She hesitated, plucking a memory from her mind. Cedarroar was showing off his climbing skills, using his powerful muscles to haul himself up. Aspenrose pulled herself upwards, giving her best effort.
       Finally, she reached a low branch. She perched there, looking out over the island, amazed. She was so high up, she could feel the breeze tug at her fur, leaving her teetering on the sturdy branch. So this is what it feels like to be a leader.
       As she was looking peacefully out over the island, something landed on the branch beside her which fell from above. Startled, Aspenrose almost lost her balance. She turned to see a familiar gray cat peering at her with amused eyes. Aspenrose felt her ears grow hot. She had almost forgotten why she was even here, to meet up with Darkmoon again.
       Aspenrose met his light amber gaze. All around her, as the cool breeze blew, orange leaves fell lightly to the ground. It was a wonderful experience. The wind picked up slightly, swirling the leaves around them.
       It felt like an eternity before Darkmoon broke the peaceful silence. "I've never met anyone like you before, Apsenrose."
      Aspenrose felt warmth wash over her, feeling comforted to have someone like Darkmoon to share nighttime visits with. Aspenrose purred for the first time in moons. I'm safe here.
       "I've been meaning to tell you," Darkmoon's voice was calm and his gaze was steady. "I like you, Aspenrose, a lot. I can't imagine life without you beside me."
      Mixed emotions poured through Aspenrose. Longing, fear, anxiety. The feelings raked her like an icy claw, but she dare not reveal them. She glanced up at him again, face emotionless.
Darkmoon leaned forwards. Aspenrose stiffened, but she dare not draw away. "I want you to come with me, Aspenrose, to ShadowClan," his gaze was filled with longing. "We can be together there. I could teach you how to be a warrior."
Without thinking, Aspenrose replied. "But how could that work?" She stated. "Being a medicine cat is my calling. Besides if I left to another Clan again...what would every cat think? WindClan is my home..."
       Although it pained her, and she noticed the glimmer of doubt pass though Darkmoon's eyes, she knew every word she spoke was true. She couldn't be with Darkmoon. Or any cat for that matter.
       Darkmoon returned her gaze, expression desperate. "But I love you, Aspenrose," he dropped his gaze to his paws, one white. "I always have."
      She felt as though she was just plunged into ice-cold water. The frozen tang hit her like waves, drowning out the rest of the world. A memory glimpsed past, though faint, still clear as morning dew. She closed her eyes, drawing the familiarity of the vision.
        She met handsome copper eyes in the moonlight, but something drew her away. Amber eyes watched her from the corner of her vision, sparkling with a familiar feeling...
        Realization dawned on Aspenrose. Darkmoon has liked me for a long time, I just had never noticed. Just like Jaggedswirl never noticed me...
      Darkmoon reached out with his tail, trying to comfort her. Aspenrose recoiled, letting the pain show in her icee eyes for the first time ever. Darkmoon flinched, as if raked by sharp claws.
      "I — I can't," Aspenrose whispered. "I'm sorry."
         Without waiting for a reply, she leaped from the tree. Landing clumsily, she staggered to her paws, dashing from the oak tree.
       Before she reached the undergrowth, she gave one last glance back. Darkmoon stood at the foot of the oak, tail raised. His jaws parted, but Aspenrose turned her head forwards again. She didn't know what he had said, until a soft breeze blew, carrying his words on the wind.
      I'm sorry too.

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