chapter 2: dance and danger

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It was the night of the annual Milkberry Harvest Festival. Every owl in the Great Ga'Hoole tree was enjoying themselves. The Snowy Owl Madame Plonk, head singer of the Great Tree, was leading a troupe of owls in singing a joyous song, with the Great Gray Owl Twilight providing accompaniment on his lute. Meanwhile, Digger, the Burrowing Owl, was at the buffet table, gorging on as many worms as he could fit into his beak. The main dining area was being used as a dance floor, owl couples dancing away. Moments earlier, Otulissa had been among those dancers, and Soren had been admiring her from afar. Right now, she was with Soren's little sister, Eglantine. Eglantine had taken quite a shine to Otulissa, though the young owl couldn't quite wrap her beak around her name, calling her "Ochy" instead. Otulissa had taken the nickname in stride, and was currently showing Eglantine some dance moves. Soren was still looking at her with great adulation.

"Like what you see?" A voice shocked Soren out of reverie.

It was the Elf Owl Gylfie, Soren's fellow Guardian and best friend.

"Oh... hello, Gylfie!" Soren said nervously. "Great party, right?"

"You really like her, don't you?" Gylfie asked, narrowing her eyes shrewdly.

"Who, Otulissa?" Soren mumbled. "No, no! I admire her, but..."

"Please." Gylfie held up a wing to silence him. "You've been making eyes at her since you first met. And I should know. I was there, remember?"

"Okay." Soren sighed. "I like her. Happy?"

"Not particularly." Gylfie smirked. "Especially considering she likes you too."

"She does?" Soren gasped jubilantly. "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Nodded Gylfie. "I wouldn't be much of a navigator if I weren't observant. And I've observed her giving you the same kind of looks when you're not looking."

"Really?" Asked Soren disbelievingly.

"Not that I approve, mind you." Gylfie huffed. She and Otulissa weren't exactly the best of friends. In fact, Gylfie thought Otulissa was a stuck-up, prissy know-it-all. "So, are you going to ask her to dance, or what?" She teased her best friend.

"Oh, I couldn't..." Soren mumbled.

"Couldn't what?" Asked Otulissa, having just walked over to them.

"Oh, nothing!" Soren said quickly. "I, um, see you and Eg are getting on well."

"Yes, she's such a sweet little thing." Otulissa smiled warmly.

Madame Plonk and her choir started another song, Twilight effortlessly playing in tune with their melody.

"Oh, I love this song." Otulissa sighed. "Would you care to join me in a dance, Soren?"

"Oh, I, er... don't know how to dance." Soren shrugged.

"It's easy." Otulissa smiled, wrapping her wings around his. "Come on, I'll show you."

As Soren was led away, lightly protesting, Gylfie rolled her eyes, but was unable to prevent a chuckle escaping from her beak.

Once on the dance floor, Otulissa gave Soren some directions. Soren was very nervous. He had never been so close to Otulissa before, and the fact that she was taller then him only added to his nervousness.

"Just relax, and do one step at a time." She told him. "Now, be careful not to..."

Soren accidentally stood on Otulissa's foot.

"...Step on my foot." Otulissa groaned.

"Sorry." Soren cringed.

"That's alright." Otulissa winced. "Just don't let it happen again."

As they continued dancing, Soren slowly grew more confident. When the song began to slow down, Otulissa moved closer to him, resting her head on his side. Soren couldn't help but notice how soft her feathers were.

'I suppose now's as good a time as any to tell her.' He decided. "Otulissa?"

"Yes?" Otulissa asked quietly.

"There's something I have to tell you." Soren admitted.

"What is it?" Otulissa looked at him quizically.

"Well, you see..." Soren found himself growing nervous again. "The thing is, I, I l..."

Before Soren could finish, a Pygmy Owl crashed onto the buffet table. It was Primrose, a member of the Search and Rescue Chaw, who had been making a quick sweep of the surrounding areas before joining the festivities.

"Primrose!" Gasped Bubo, the Horned Owl blacksmith. "What happened to you? Where are the others?"

"We were ambused... Over the eastern mountains." Croaked Primrose, who was covered in cuts and bruises. "The Pure Ones... They have the others... Holding them hostage..."

"Hostage?" Asked Strix Struma. "What do they want?"

"They want Soren and his friends." Primrose groaned, getting unsteadily to her feet. "The Pure Ones say that if they, and only they, come, the others will be released."

The gathered owls turned as one towards Soren, Gylfie, Twilight and Digger.

"Then that's what we'll do." Nodded Soren.

"What?" Gasped Otulissa. "You're actually going to go?"

"Yes, young lady." Boomed Twilight. "We shall come, but we shall not come quietly!"

"Yeah!" Cheered Digger. "We'll show those bullies what we think of 'em!"

"Well put, Digger." Smiled Gylfie. "Let's go!"

Soren joined his friends as they went to don their helmets and battle claws, sharing a sorrowful glance with Otulissa as he left.

"You're not really going to let them go by themselves, are you?" She asked Ezylryb.

"Of course not!" The old Screech Owl sniggered. "The Pure Ones aren't exactly known for keeping their word. The rest of us will wait a few minutes, then follow."

As the Guardian made their preparations to rescue the rescuers, Otulissa looked to the sky. Her face had a look of worry, which quickly turned into a look of determination.

To Be Continued...

New Beginnings (guardians of gahoole)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin