chapter 3: between brothers

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Soren and his friends flew toward the eastern mountains, their Guardian helmets and battle claws reflecting the light of the moon. They spotted the Pure Ones by way of the same light gleaming off their own helmets. As they descended, Soren noticed a familiar helmet.

'Metal Beak?' He thought to himself. 'It can't be!' As he moved closer to the helmeted owl, he took in his appearance. No, wait, it isn't Metal Beak. He's smaller, with different feathers...'

As Soren and his friends landed, they saw the captured members of the Search and Rescue Chaw, each of them pinned to the ground, trapped beneath the talons of a Pure One.

"Alright, we're here." Soren said bluntly. "Now, what do you want from us?"

The owl wearing Metal Beak's helmet approached Soren, his eyes gleaming bright red.

"Hello, brother." He hissed.

"Kludd?" Soren gasped. "You're alive?"

"Don't act so surprised." Sneered Kludd.

"Why are you wearing that thing?" Soren asked increduously.

"I am the new Metal Beak, Soren." Kludd gloated. "The new leader of the Pure Ones!"

"No..." Soren mumbled, unable to believe how low his brother had sunk. "No..."

"Yes." Kludd said quietly. "I always knew I was destined for greatness, for glory, and now, I finally have it!"

"What is it that you want from me, Kludd?" Soren snarled, cold fury over his brother's latest despicable deed quickly replacing his shock.

"Revenge, of course." Said Kludd. "You beat me, humiliated me, burned me, left me for dead. And now, it's payback time."

"Payback?" Soren repeatedly. "For what? It was your own fault you fell into the fire! You tried to kill me, remember?"

"And now, I'm going to finish what I started." Kludd approached Soren menacingly. "We are going to fight, Soren. We will settle things, once and for all."

"I won't fight you for no reason, Kludd." Soren said resolutely.

"Oh, you have a reason." Kludd smirked, indicating the hostages. "Fight me, or I give my soldiers the order to kill them."

Soren looked at the pinned, wounded owls.

"Fine." He growled.

"As for the rest of you." Kludd told Gylfie, Digger and Twilight. "If you interfere in our battle, in any way, the hostages are as good as dead. Understand?"

The three Guardians nodded a grim understanding.

"Now then." Kludd turned to Soren, wings spread menacingly. "To battle, brother!"

Reluctantly, Soren spread his wings in a combat position. He and Kludd began circling each other. It was Kludd who made the first move, charging at Soren, a monstrous snarl erupting from the back of his throat. Soren sidestepped the charge, striking Kludd in the chest as he passed.

"Why are you doing this?" Soren asked. "Is a little recognition really worth all this pain and suffering?"

"Save your nonsense for someone who cares." Kludd spat contemptuously. "I've left such weak-minded thoughts behind me."

"Kludd..." Soren began.

"And stop calling me that!" Kludd snarled. "I am Metal Beak now!"

Kludd struck out with his talon, shearing several feathers from Soren's chest.

"I'm your brother." Soren gasped. "Doesn't that count for anything?"

"Nothing at all." Sneered Kludd, lunging at Soren again.

"What about ma and da?" Soren asked, deflecting Kludd's attack, and sending him sprawling to the ground. "I haven't told them, you know. About what you've done. Because it would break their hearts. They'd be ashamed of you, Kludd."

"SHUT UP!" Kludd roared.

Getting back to his feet with lightning speed, he rammed his helmeted head into Soren's abdomen.

As Soren fell backwards, winded, Kludd wrapped his wings around him, and threw him into a large boulder. As Soren collapsed to the ground, Nyra watched with glee, while Gylfie, Digger and Twilight looked over the scene with horror.

Kludd stood over his younger sibling, talons raised.

Opening his eyes, Soren witnessed the victorious red gleam in Kludd's own.

"Goodbye, brother!" Kludd hissed triumphantly.

Kludd swung his talons downward...

To Be Continued...

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