chapter 4: turning the tide

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As Kludd brought down his talons, ready to slice open Soren's stomach and rip out his gizzard, he was suddenly rammed into from behind by a spotted blur, and crashed into a rotten tree stump, collapsing to the ground afterwards.

Before the Pure Ones could react to this act of interference, they too were blindsided by the Guardians, the hostages freed from their talons' grip. Nyra attempted to rally her troops, but she was silenced by a charge from Ezylryb.

As the Guardians and Pure Ones fought, Soren looked upon his saviour with disbelief.

"Otulissa?" He gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"Some greeting." Otulissa sniffed. "What, no 'Hello'? No 'Thanks for saving my life'?

"Oh, I'm grateful of course..." Soren stuttered. "But why did you come all the way out herre?"

Otulissa looked down at her feet, suddenly uncomfortable.

"I just... had to make sure you were okay." She mumbled. "We still have our dance to finish, remember?"

"Yeah." Soren smiled. "We do."

"How touching." Sneered a familiar voice.

Kludd tackled Otulissa to the ground, wrapping his talons around her neck.

"You dare to touch me, you inferior piece of filth?" Kludd spat. "I, a Tyto, your better?"

"Leave her alone, Kludd." Soren protested. "It's me you want."

"Quite right, brother." Kludd agreed. "So if it's all the same to you, I think I'll just snap her neck and be done with it."

"NO!" Roared Soren, ramming into his brother with full force.

The shock of the impact splayed open Kludd's foot, releasing Otulissa, and Kludd was once again slammed into the tree stump.

As Kludd got to his feet, he saw his Pure Ones being trounced by the Guardians.

Twilight, the warrior of Soren's group of friends, was easily holding his own. Digger was bringing up clumps of dirt with his talons, sending a fair amount into his enemy's eyes, blinding them. Even Gylfie was doing well, using her speed and small size to dodge the Pure Ones' attacks, at one point moving out of the way just as Jatt and Jutt charged from opposite sides, causing them to crash into each other.

"You can't do this to me." Kludd seethed, as Soren and Otulissa approached. "I am Metal Beak!"

"If you'll recall, I killed the last owl to use that name." Soren said quietly. "Doesn't bode well for you, does it?"

Kludd raised his wings in a combat position. Suddenly, he swept one wing across the ground, spreading a cloud of dust towards Soren and Otulissa. As they shielded their eyes, Kludd took off into the sky.

"Pure Ones, to me!" He bellowed. "Retreat!"

Nyra, and the Pure Ones who had not fallen to the Guardians' assault, took to the sky, following their leader.

"That's right!" Twilight called pompously. "Flee, you cowards!"

The Guardians checked over the hostages, searching for any damage.

Thank you." Otulissa told Soren. "You saved my life."

"You saved mine first." Soren shrugged. "I'd say this makes us even."

"I suppose so." Otulissa smiled.

That smile turned into a cringe as Barran and Boron, king and queen of the Great Tree, stood before her.

"You've had quite a night, haven't you, young lady?" Barran peered sternly at Otulissa. "Sneaking out, flying all the way into enemy territory, putting your life at risk..."

"Not unlike what happened with our newest Guardians, my dear." Boron smiled. "I daresay this youth may be cut from the same cloth."

"Perhaps." Barran nodded. "When we return to the Great Tree, we will discuss it further... all three of us, understand?"

"Yes, my queen." Otulissa nodded, hiding the re-emerged smile on her beak.

Following Boron and Barran's lead, Otulissa and the Guardians took off into the sky, the hostages who were too hurt to fly being carried by their fellows.

"Soren, my boy!" Cheered Twilight, as he and the others flew in formation. "Victory is ours!"

"We sure showed them, eh, Soren?" Digger chuckled.

"We sure did, Digger." Soren smiled. "Although I had a little help..."

Soren smiled over at Otulissa, who returned it gleefully. Gylfie flew next to the spotted owl.

"I hate to admit it, but you really impressed me back here." The elf owl confessed. "Good work."

"Thanks." Otulissa grinned. "You weren't so bad yourself. For an owl your size, of course..."

"I'm guessing that's supposed to be a compliment." Gylfie deadpanned. "Thanks, anyway."

The Guardians flew home as one, on the winds of victory.

To Be Continued...

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