Chapter 3

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Ophelia's POV:

I think I shut Rachel, I think that's is, up. After I was done singing, Mr.Schuster clapped and stood up and said, "Welcome to glee club, Ophelia. Have a seat." I go and sit down next to this guy who is wearing a green sweatshirt and has dirty blond hair.

"Hello, I'm Rory. You new here?" His Irish accent was cute and his eyes were greener than the leaves. 

"Hi, yeah, I'm from London, moved here just a few days ago, what about you?" He looks at me and smiles.

"I'm from Ireland and have been here for a few weeks." He looks down at my hands, then at his. 

"Mr. Schuster, why does Ophelia have to be in Glee club? She sucks at singing and should leave immediately." Rachel pipes in. Again.

"You know what, Rachel, shut your trap or I'll come over there and do it for you." My teeth are gritted and I'm about ready to get up and punch her. That snob thinks she's better than everyone else. 

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