Chapter 6

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"Why should I treat the new kid nicer? She doesn't deserve to be treated any which way, and I hope she gets hit by a car and she might want to leave before something bad happens to both her and Rory." I then lunged at her, sharp pencil in hand. I scratched her eye and made her bleed.

"RACHEL BARRY TO PRINCIPLE FIGGIN'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW" Mr. Schuster yells, grabs me by the arm, and drags me down to Principal Figgin's office, with Ophelia and Rory, scratched, following behind Mr. Schuster. 

"WHY AM I EXPELLED?!" I yelled, Ophelia having a gauze over her eye, and Rory having bandages covering his arms and part of his legs.

"You physically hurt other students and they do not appreciate the bullying and we have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying." Then Principal Figgins walked me out of his office, then out of the school, and I walked home.

Ophelia's POV: 

"Ow, my eye hurts so much right now!" I yelled/said. Rory tried to lift his arm but winced in pain as he lifted it up.

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