Chapter 10

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~The next day~

3rd Person POV:

The next day at school, people looked at Ophelia weirdly.

"What's up whore!" Ophelia turns around, and in seconds covered in a grape slushie. She finds herself ending up in the locker rooms. 

"Well, I see you got slushied, too." She hears a different voice than Rory's.

"Who are you?" She grabs paper towels and starts to wipe the grape slushie off of her.

"I'm Mersadies, and next to me is my friend, Sam." Mersadies and Sam grab some paper towels out of Ophelia's hands and start helping her get the grape slushie off of her.

~An hour later~

"Why are some people here so mean to foreigners like me?" Ophelia tears up, and a tear falls down her face.

"It's because some people feel that they have to put others down, and treat others like garbage because the bully feels bad about themselves and is bringing it out on other people." Sam wipes Ophelia's tear off her face, then Mersadies speaks.

"I know what you've been through, hun. It's not fun getting slushie out of your bra." Mersadies, Sam, and Ophelia get up and start walking together to Glee club.

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