First kiss

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Yn pov
Sweets and I have been hanging out with each other for about two months we met at the school merger while Cheryl was going on about how the serpents would ruin riverdale high and everyone was agreeing and the serpents shouting at the Northsiders I was at my locker reading the hobbit (what I am actually currently reading right now) totally engrossed in the story when I felt someone staring at me I looked up and saw a tall raven haired serpent staring at me and I must say WOW and I mean really he is looking FINE I then noticed that he caught me staring and had a big smirk on his face  I then went back to how I usually nervous and shy (how I actually am) I blushed furiously and looked back at my book trying to act like wasn't staring at the beautiful looking boy. And as the bell went I ran through the halls hurrying to 1st period
Time skip
As I walk out of English which is thankfully my last class of day once again looking down at my book so caught up with what's happening now  I bump into a tall sturdy wall bringing me by surprise I look up to see the same tall handsome serpent boy from before he looked  down at me smirking again just like before "s-sorry I d-didn't mean to b-bump into you" he chuckles lightly then says "no worries princess" i once again blush like a freaking tomato so to avoid much more embarrassment i hide my face in my hc  hair and  look down at my shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. He then brings his hand up to my chin and lifts it up and says in with another smirk "don't hide your pretty face princess a face like yours deserves to be seen"

Present time
I giggle at the memory of me and sweets officially meeting for the first time ever since I met him I knew I liked him with his dark  raven  hair and his dark eyes which from afar just look like an ordinary dark brown but up close there was also flecks of gold in the iris and slightly tanned skin even though it being the middle of  November and even with his bad boy reputation he's still the sweetest guy ever no pun intended  I am then brought out of my deep thoughts from a text a text from sweets to specific.
Sweets🍬: hey princess  I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party at the whyte wyrm tonight 
Me: I dunno pea I'm a northsider are you sure southsiders, serpents nonetheless will want me there
Sweets🍬: you'll be fine as long as your with me and no one will bother you and you get to meet my friends fangs and Toni you've seen them at school but unfortunately never met them
Me: what if they don't like me???
Sweets🍬: plz they'll love you Toni is  practically a puppy and fangs is just a goofball
Me: haha okay if you're sure what time do want me to head over???
Sweets🍬: you think you're walking  by your on the southside  in the dark don't joke with me princess I'll be picking you up at 8:30
Me: Kk I'll see you then
I look at the time 7:55 I set my phone down and walked up to my closet to decide on what to wear
When i finally chose my clothes I started to get ready,
Time skip
As I put the finishing touches to my outfit I heard sweets familiar motorcycle engine roar as I walk out of my house he had  his back to me as he was sitting on his bike when he heard my footsteps he turned round and when he saw me he slightly gaped at my outfit

Sweets🍬: hey princess  I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party at the whyte wyrm tonight  Me: I dunno pea I'm a northsider are you sure southsiders, serpents nonetheless will want me there Sweets🍬: you'll be fine as long as your with me a...

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