Alduin x Reader

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I jumped over a rock and ran faster, breathing heavily as I clutched my stomach, it hurt so bad from running.

"Y/n..." I heard a voice, I looked around and saw no one.

"Y/N...." Again, except louder. I looked forward, and run faster, heaving for air.

"Alduin..." I gasped and felt my legs go numb.

"Stop." I heard the voice command. I stopped running as if I was being controlled. I stared at the ground and my eyes found their way to a cliff about 3 inches in front of me. I gasped for air and looked down the cliff and saw how far down it went. If I hadn't slowed down...

"Turn around." The voice commanded, except this time it was louder and clearer. I did so, and saw a dragon behind me. Red eyes glowing.

"Alduin... You.." I said. I felt my eyes water and I hugged him.

"You..were controlling me." I mumbled out.


"How?" I looked at him.

"It's not that hard."

"I didn't ask how hard or easy it was. I asked how you can do it." I responded, furrowing my eyebrows.

"LIke this. Kiss me." He said. My face reddened.

"WAIT WHA-" I suddenly moved close to his snout and kissed him. He kissed back. Then I pulled away, even though I really did not want to.


"Stop screaming." I stopped. I love how I'm casually eating Sour Patch Kids when writing this dramatic oneshot....Green, blue and yellow are my favorites, by the way. :3

"Kiss me again. Longer." The dark dragon ordered. I did so I he kissed back. I closed my eyes enjoyed the kiss, but I kind of have to enjoy it. I pulled away and saw Alduin get closer to me.

"Love me." He said. Nothing happened.

"I SAID LOVE ME!" He repeated.

"I can't." I said.

"WHY NOT!?" He yelled.

"Because I already love you, idiot." I yelled back. He seemed shocked.




I smashed my lips to his snout, and pulled away.

"I LOVE YOU!" I repeated.

"" He stammered. "I love you too..."

331 words! Sorry this is so short I had no idea what to write. Shoot, I had trouble choosing what character, even!

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