Chapter 12 - Daniel

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JUNE 2022 UPDATE: Go read "Lucy", a spinoff of the Masked SheWolf trilogy, now updating on Wattpad, and its "Behind the Scenes" companion book that includes character profiles and a complete recap of the trilogy, as told by the characters in interview format.


I wake up the next day in my own bed. My memory of last night is a little hazy, but I remember the important things. Dread begins to settle in the pit of my stomach.

"Shit!" I whisper.

Frantically, I jump out of bed and start searching for my phone, hoping to God that I remembered to take her number.

I still don't know her name!

I am sure it was mentioned when we had the meeting at Rod's Diner, but I can't remember it. I scroll through the contacts list and am about to give up when I land on the last one. Zoey. This is not a name I remember adding. Crossing my fingers, I dial and wait. She answers on the third ring.

"Morning Danny," her voice replies cheerfully. "I see you found my number. I had to search your pockets while you were unconscious to get your phone, sorry about that. How's your head?"

I ignore her question, even though my head is actually throbbing. "What the hell happened last night?"

"You... don't remember?" Zoey asks innocently.

"Refresh my memory," I sarcastically say.

"We talked for a bit, shared some secrets, then we danced, and when your twin interrupted us, you passed out on the couch and she and Logan drove you home," she confirms my suspicions. "We didn't sleep together or anything, although you did try to kiss me."

The last part doesn't even register. All I'm thinking is, Shit!I just spilled the biggest secret in our family.I have a lot of damage control to do.

"Zoey, you're nice and all, but if you repeat what was said last night, not only will everybody think you've gone crazy, but I will personally make your life miserable," I threaten. "I've made much older girls than you cry before, and that's only because they wouldn't stop complaining about me not calling back, so you better not piss me off."

I don't make it a habit to scare girls, but there is nothing I won't do to make sure that Dylan's secret is safe. My parents finding out I slipped up is an even scarier scenario. Plus, I have a horrible hangover, and I don't care enough to spare her feelings right now.

"Wow," Zoey says after a moment of silence. "You weren't kidding when you said you'd be a jerk in the morning."

"You havenoidea."

At first, she sounds almost hurt, but then her voice hardens into anger. "Tell you what. The pack's having a bonfire camp in the forest tonight at six. It's in the clearing where the river runs the widest. If you convince your family to come, then I'll consider not ratting you out. And it was Logan's idea, so you don't have to worry about showing up uninvited."

I wait for the punch line. This can't be the way to buy her silence. It can't be that easy.

"That's it?" I finally ask.

That's when she delivers the blow. "Well, I was thinking that while we're there, we could have a talk. But if you try to avoid me, I might just have one with your sister instead."

I press my lips in a tight line. "Fine," I growl. "I'll find a way to get my brothers to come."

"Good," she replies in a sickeningly sweet voice. "And Daniel? Little piece of advice. Don't threaten a person who has something to use against you. And don't ever piss meoff again."

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