Chapter 27 - Michael

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JUNE 2022 UPDATE: Go read "Lucy", a spinoff of the Masked SheWolf trilogy, now updating on Wattpad, and its "Behind the Scenes" companion book that includes character profiles and a complete recap of the trilogy, as told by the characters in interview format.


Dad's idea of giving me space is to ignore me during the entire week. He's not being hostile or anything, but he doesn't acknowledge me in any way. I know what he's doing; this has always been his tactic to get my brothers and I to think about what we did while we wallow in guilt.

By the time he finally has a talk with us, we would have changed our minds and made up an apology speech. Too bad for him I don't want to change my mind. I'm tired of my secret controlling every aspect of my life. It would have been fine if I at least had an outlet, but I don't; my family is denying me even that.

Logan was right; it's my future. I should get a say in what I want to do with it. It's not like I suddenly want to wear dresses, go out with boys and shop. I still want to be me, even if that means being a boy. All I want is to have purpose... otherwise, what's the point of living?

What do they think? That I'm just going to live with them for the rest of my life? What happens when my brothers leave and I'm the only one still at the house? What happens if they die? Am I supposed to live with one of my brothers? I can't spend my entire life with a babysitter. And it's not like I'm asking for too much. College is not that big of a deal.

It surprises me how radically my thoughts and opinions have changed during the past month. Before, I never thought my parents' security measures were extreme. I always knew they were there to protect me. But now, it's like every rule they have ever laid out only serves to suffocate me more. I can't imagine how I was able to take it all for almost eighteen years.

There's only one thing that takes my mind off of the fight with my parents... War Day retaliations. I handle one brother each day just so I can keep myself distracted for as long as possible. It's a shame I don't feel as good about myself when successfully pulling each prank. It's like the life has been sucked out of me this whole week.

I'm not depressed or sad or anything, but I'm also not happy or even relaxed. My emotions are just... neutral all the time. That's how I know my time of the month must be coming up. It has been almost four weeks since last time. I'm so not looking forward for another four days of hiding out in my parents' house.

Talking to Logan was probably the greatest help.

Being with Sadie and Cade is the only other way I can pass the time, but I have the judgmental thoughts of my parents hanging over every awkward moment we have. They asked me only once about what happened after Sadie left, and I was so nonchalant in the way I answered that they didn't dare ask again. Sadie was dying to know what I'm going to do about college, I could tell, but Cade wouldn't let her. I'm very thankful for his presence. He's been a better friend than I thought he would be.

Friday after school is when Mom and Dad finally acknowledge me. When my brothers and I walk into the house, it takes one look from our parents to let us know what's about to happen.

"Uh, we are going out," Mason announces. "We promised some of the SMP guys that we'd go for a run together, and they've been waiting since camp night."

"Yeah, what he said," his twin replies just as the four of them leave, giving me some final encouraging looks.

Their expressions are not how I expected them to be. I was waiting for their disappointment, or even their anger, but not the relaxed and even inviting looks they're giving me.

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