The Letter

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The only thing Travis could think was why. Why had he gone up to the one person he didn't want to hurt, and punched him in the face? Guilt plumed into his stomach. All you did was punch a fag. It is what her deserved. What you deserve, you piece of filth, his mind taunted him. Travis threw his bologna into the garbage and stormed into the bathroom. His fingers itched to grab his knife and go hunting, but all he could do before the period ended was write. A blur of words rushed down to meet the paper grasped in his hands. Frustrated, he threw the paper as far as he could. The boy you love is still in your head. Sinner. Disgusting. His back stiffened and his nerves pricked as the door clanged against the fading wallpaper of the bathroom. Tears and snot streamed down his face while Travis clamped a hand over his mouth. The crinkling of paper quickly caught his attention as fear coiled into his muscles. It wormed its way into his lungs, his heart, the eventually his brain. All he could do is hope to God that the person intruding would just leave. He was so focused on the other leaving he let out a sniffle.

Feet taped over to his stall door and stopped in front of it. A soothing voice echoed through the room. Travis's anxiety spiked as he blandly answered with harsh insults. His mind raced until it clung to one thought, Sally Face. That was the guy that found him?! Travis openly gaped, for once appreciating not being able to see those beautiful eyes. Faggot. Stop it, sinner. You are going to hell. Sal's question about his father made Travis start backwards, almost falling over. "Just because my father is a pastor, doesn't mean I.."

Travis's mouth talked for him. In truth, his father is his end all, be all. He was so afraid of what his father might do if he...What? Found out you are the gayest person in this school, besides Todd and his outside fag, Neil? That you harbor disgusting filth that not even the most desperate pig would sniff? That Sally's pretty face doesn't make you puke, but instead whine like a little bitch about how unobtainable he is? You waste of space. Sal's words broke through his inner turmoil, "You know, we don't have to be enemies, right?"

The blonde boy's jaw dropped. His thoughts turned into garbled phrases he could barely comprehend. His hands raked through his hair, pulling out a few golden strands. The bruise on his eye pulsed as he desperately rubbed away the tears. Not enemies? Random strung together apologies stuttered through his lips; his mind in overdrive. One final thought pushed its way into his monkey brain, "Don't tell anyone about this or you're dead!"

Shit! Go back! "I mean...please don't tell anyone about this."

Sal seemed to bobble for a second before he left, as did a sigh from Travis. The blonde wiped his eyes and shuffled out of the stall. He actually counted the seconds before he decided it would be safe for him to leave again. Weakling. Your father will never want you. He will punish you for not handing out fliers. You'll be subject to his 'experiments' again. Travis's hands started to shake as he moved towards his locker. He shoved his chemistry and math textbooks away, slamming the door into the metal frame. He could feel Larry's and Ash's eyes on his back, scathing him. You deserve it. Look at what you did to their homo friend. Regret swelled in his throat as he caught the eye of Larry. He could see the anger raise in shoulders, shifting into a protective stance over Sal. Dejected, Travis looked away and staggered off to literature.

Near the end of the day, Travis saw Sal by his locker, alone. He walked up to Sally timidly, a mouse into the vision of a cat. Sal glanced up at the tired looking boy with empathy. Travis took a deep breath and said, "Listen, Sally f-face, if your offer still stands, I could use some help in math. You seem okay at it, and"

The rest of the sentence faded as Sal visibly perked up. Travis tried not to look hopeful as Sal stood before him. However, a small bob of his head told Travis that the tutoring could commence. He felt his heart leap for joy. Sal moved to place a hand on Travis's shoulder, but instantly the atmosphere changed. Travis recoiled sharply, almost on instinct, leaving Sal's hand awkwardly in the air. An uncomfortable beat passed as neither male knew how to continue. "So, where do you want to go?" Travis cleared his throat.

"We can go to mine, my dad is rarely there. Speaking of, there is Larry and Todd! We all live in the same building." Sal said energetically, trying to make up for the discomfort he had caused.

Travis tensed as Larry, Todd, and Ash came up behind him. Larry's hands grew into fists when he saw who Travis was talking, to. "What do you want, Phelps?"

"I-I.uh", he floundered desperately.

"He is coming over to study." Sal explained.

"Are you sure that is the best idea, Sal?" Ash cautioned.

"I will be fine guys. Travis apologized to me today for how he acted."

Travis flushed as three surprised glances met him. He shrunk in the presence of Sal's best friends. Defend yourself, weakling. Show them that you are better than the dirt you walk among. Expose their sins. Give them to the ministry. Travis fought with the last thoughts in his head. He is not his father. The other four surrounding him grew concerned as the bruised boy continued to collapse in on himself. Travis clutched his hair and pulled, trying to stop his overflowing mind. Normally, the only thing that helped His breathes came out in gasps as panic webbed around his bones, extending outwardly to his blood. Sal motioned for the rest of the group to leave as he knelt next to the suffering boy. Travis heard faint whispers of calming words through the mad jumble the voices in his head made. Sal carefully touched Travis's hair and tried to loosen the grip Travis had on the strands. A quick jerk back slowly receded into calmed breathes and the loosening of grip. Finally, Travis looks up to see Sal's concern, along with a stragglers behind him. Blood rushed to his face as he realized he just fell down in the middle of the hall. Sal offered a hand to the Puerto Rican. A squeak made the blue-haired boy giggle lightly as he grasped Travis and pulled him up on his feet.

"Come on, let's go, okay?" Sal said, with a concealed grin.

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