After effects.

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One day you will look back and see how things have changed and you will have grown as a person.
The rose bush grew from a seed quickly but this doesn't mean it never faced hardships
The person who was always smiling on the outside may not have always felt that on the inside
So remember this and keep pushing on whether you have 10 steps before you reach the top of the mountain or 10 miles
You've got to start somewhere and you have to believe that you will get to the top eventually if you just keep trying and trying.


Thank you for reading this book which is mostly full of sad poems however I decided to write this extremely short poem to highlight the fact that I have came out the other side of my depression after many years of struggle and you will too but it may not happen overnight and that's okay.
If you are having a tough time then feel free to DM me and I will always reply as fast as I can.
It actually means a great deal that people have decided to read this poem book even though I haven't written that many of them. Thank you!!!!
From, Emilia XO

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