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I took a couple of days to get used to my new job .  And I also got my own office with well defined exterior just like Aiden's  .  There wasn't much work as Aiden took care of it, saying that he doesn't want to stress me. 

Everyone knew me  and my relationship with their boss.  So they weren't so close or free with me. They feel like I'm bossing while I'm not. 

So I'm being Miss. Shacin to them but it hurts me a lot  as I'm not a Shacin anymore  . I told them many times to call me Althea, not that they are close enough but I don't want to bring back my old painful memories.

I work in the  main branch and  I have to go through the paper work,  employees,  staff,  management  of their salaries ,  profit ,  necessities ,  and so on.

It wasn't much work for me .  As I was already experienced  and well  trained by Xandro's dad.   Now I realized that I have lost lot of people in my life. 

Does love always need sacrifices...? 

I literally had no one except Aiden. 

Aiden strictly ordered to accompany for the lunch and dinner with him.  He doesn't leave me till I'm tummy full. 

Recently I was being tagging him for a morning walk  and also to the gym.  Isn't strange....? 

And please don't laugh at me....

What can I do when he was feeding mr like a cow..?  I've already gained some weight. 

Aiden seems very happy  as I'm with him finally.  He was trying his best not to make me  think about my parents but the truth is no one can replace them and their love.  It will be missing piece till the end. 

Nimmy met me in cafe as she's missing me so much.  I didn't dare to ask about my parents I couldn't take knowing that they are suffering just like I'm, maybe more than me.  

Jack again  won  the  match. He only knew few things in our family as he was out of the state most of the time.  I wonder if he misses me. 

Nimmy was very frightened when our  parents disowned me.  She was managing your be distant with her boyfriend.  And avoiding him like a plaque.  Recently they also had a fight as she was avoiding him terribly.

I honestly don't know what to suggest her. 

Sia called me and started complaining that Christian was annoying her.  And they were continously arguing.  He doesn't want her going to work.  Her few silly complaints make me laugh but I controlled myself not to burst out  as I don't want make her mad.  It wasn't easy to deal  with the mood swings of a pregnant lady.  It was a deadly crime pissing off them. And I don't dare to . 

Aiden took me to the club as it was a weekend.  I got dressed up in a red single piece dress which barely reaches  my mid thighs.

When I got out my room and I noticed Aiden on a phone call.  He turned to me and then he started checking me from head to toe.  I know he was going to complain  but I don't care about his complements because of their possessiveness and insecurities. 

" Baby,  you look beautiful...... But isn't it too short..?  " He asked. 

" I'm not going to change.....!  "I answered him stubbornly.

" Ok as you wish.. " He surrendered. 

Oh very easily..? 

" Shall we go for a dinner date..?  " He asked. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. 

So he don't want any male seeing me in this dress..! 

" No....!  I'm going to club and you can go for a dinner if you want..!  " I said angrily and stormed out of the Hall. 

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