Cigarette Daydreams

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Alyx's POV

I looked silently at Jenn as she slept peacefully with her head rested on my shoulder, snuggling up close to me as she dozed off. We were returning from our Europe trip and we were both jetlagged from the bewildering trip we had together. I turned away from Jenn and looked outside the airplane window, staring intensely at the unusual shape of the clouds. I don't know how I feel about Jenn. I know that I'm attracted to her but I'm so scared of rejection and I don't want to lose her, I can't even imagine my life without Jenn but I don't know how much longer I can keep these feelings in for.

The plane shuddered as we landed which managed to wake Jenn up from her deep sleep. I watched her as she struggled to open her sky blue eyes "What time is it?" she asked in her raspy morning voice. I sighed in delight and let out a slight chuckle "It's 10am, we just landed." Jenn lifted her head up from my shoulder and looked at me with one eye open "Well good morning." She added before taking off her seatbelt and standing up, eager to get off the plane.

I drove next to Jenn's apartment and looked up at her "Well, we're here." I said not wanting to leave Jenn's presence. Jenn looked at me, analysing every detail of my face with her memorising ocean blue eyes "You can come over for a bit if you want I mean.. it's going to be weird sleeping alone after being with you for a month and I don't know if I'm ready to do that yet." She said letting a small chuckle leave her mouth. It's like she read my mind. "Yeah, of course." I let out "I'll come in."

I watched as Jenn opened the front door of her apartment and I deeply inhaled as the smell of her home filled my lungs. I don't know what it was about Jenn's smell that made me feel at peace but I felt at home around Jenn, I felt safe, almost as though I never wanted to leave her side. I turned around to see Jenn looking at me, I felt myself blush as she quickly took her eyes off me to try hide the fact that she was looking at me "What?" I said teasingly. "What? Oh nothing I just- it's nothing." She said looking away "Do you want to play Fortnite? It's been a while and I need to feed my addiction." She claimed dramatically. "Of course I want to play Fortnite." I said placing myself beside Jenn on her sofa. I skimmed through the songs on my phone and began playing a couple to fill the silence brought by our concentration. I hummed as Jenn sang along to Cigarette Daydreams. "It's weird how this song reminds me of you." Jenn announced looking back up at me breaking her concentration from Fortnite and bringing it all on me. I blushed and looked back into her eyes. I got so lost in her eyes sometimes that I tend to forget about my surroundings, all I can think about is her and how much she means to me, I never wanted to lose this. I've never felt this connection with anyone else. The song slowly came to an end as Jenn continued to look at my eyes then down to my lips, she slowly leaned in.

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