Over you

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Alyx's POV

I heard the sound of Jenn quietly closing the door behind me. I couldn't bear to look back at the door to make sure she was gone; it all felt too real. I could feel the frustration and the despondency growing inside of me by the second. 

I lay in my bed as the tears slowly glided from the side of my face. I felt as though I had just lost my best friend, it wouldn't be the same again even if we did try to fix this; she knew how I felt and she clearly doesn't feel the same back. I thought back to the situation and how I reacted, there's so much I would've changed. I could feel the pain of hurt physically grow in my chest by the second. I listened to 'Over you' by Ingrid Michaelson intensely as tear drops stained my unpigmented white pillow.

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