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Canada's P.O.V

America starts to squeal,jump,and laugh. This is the first time he's laughed in a few months! But I've started to notice..
Something off with him lately. Everyday he has a white mark on his neck. Especially now. So I make a plan >:3. I'm going to sneak into his room while he's sleeping and look around his room, I swear if he has been lying to me this whole time I will.. Let's just not continue that sentence.

America's P.O.V
I start to walk off into my room to sleep,cause OH BOY I'M SO TIRED! I plop onto my bed. 'Ughhhhhh...' In a few seconds time I've already fallen asleep. When I wake up I realize that today's school! I jump up from bed, grab my clothes,brush my teeth, basic stuff like that. I leave the house quickly without eating. When I'm finally at school I realize thats its only a few minutes before the bell rings. Quickly running through the halls until I bump into someone. "OOF" and... It's Russia. Oh great now he's going to swear at me and leave me here. But that's not what happened at all. Instead he held out hand for me with a tint of red blush. "Ehm,sorry about that." he says as I get up. "Um..It's okay!" I say back as I'm starting to run to class so I won't be late.

Time skip~
When lunch time comes around I leave the school building and just sit next to a Cherry Blossom tree in the back of the school. Thinking back of what happened today. Why was Russia acting so weird and blushing?? 'Don't think too much about this America'. Until  I feel arms wrap around me like a hug. I turn to see a blushing Russia "Huh?" "America have I ever told you that I love you?" Russia questions. "N-No? Where is this coming from? " but he just grabs my jaw and kisses me.

Omg finally it is done. My keyboard has been acting up, so Yeah .
Word count: 344

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