Day 2 [April 15th]

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A/N- idk if ive already said this, but these are all one shots, none of them are connected in anyway. bakugou is kinda sorta really ooc in this but IgNoRe tHaT.... okay bye


*~*~Sunday, 1:00pm~*~*

The common room was oddly quiet for a Sunday afternoon. There were usually more people out and about, but for some reason unknown to Kirishima and Bakugou, most students had gone to visit their families. Kirishima had gone to lunch with his parents yesterday, and Bakugou's parents were on a business trip for the next four days, so they were stuck in the eerily quiet room by themselves.

Bakugou was laying across Kirishima, studying his face as Kirishima scrolled through Twitter. He brought his hand to Kirishima's face and traced the scar on his left eye.
"Where'd you get this scar?" Bakugou asked curiously "I don't think you've ever told me."

"It isn't very interesting," Kirishima laughed.

"Well can you tell me anyway?"

"Sure," Kirishima smiling at his boyfriend. "When I was about four, I rubbed my eye and my quirk decided manifested for the first time. So I ended up scratching my eye, and bam, now I have a scar."

"You know you wouldn't be yourself without your scar."
"Maybe, maybe not," Kirishima said shrugging.

Bakugou smirked slightly and kissed him"I love you"

"Love you too" and with that, they settled back into a comfortable silence.


Word Count: 190

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