Chapter 2

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*in the Impala*

"Ok it says here that over 200 people were killed." I don't think that Dean was listening because because he just asked me "How many people do you think die a year from plane crashes,huh? A LOT." And on and on and on. Dean is terrified of planes. "Dean are you even listening? Were talking over 200 people here! We have to hurry before this,whatever it is,strikes again."

*In plane*

*Dean hyperventilating*

"Sammy yell 'Christo'."

"What why?"

"Jus do it!"

"No do it yourself!"

Great now everyone's going to be looking at the weirdos who yelled Christo on a plane. Wonderful.

*In London airport*

"Ok so where was this attack again?" Dean asked me. I pulled out our papers. "Umm a place called 'Delphinus Plage Inc.' I guess they specialize in all things...wet?" We accidentally ran into someone. "Hey I like that guys bow-tie. Whys he wearin' a fez?" Dean said as he looked back at him. "I'll tell you Sammy they get stranger and stranger everyday." We called a cab to the head of the Delphinus house.

A/N: sorry it wasn't so long I was really busy with being too lazy to update but here you go please comment what you think thanks


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