Chapter 4

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*Baker Street*

"So where does he live again? 221B?" Dean asked me. We opened the door. "Yeah I think so" We went up the stairs to 221B and heard gunshots. We burst through the door to find a grown man shooting the wall that had a smiley face painted on it while the man repeatedly yelled 'BORED!' "What the hell is this some freaky sex thing?" Dean said after seeing the other man. They both stared at us as we slowly backed out. "I think we got the wrong apartment." I said quietly to Dean. "You think?" We knocked on the next apartment door,222B. Instead of bow-tie guy answering the door,we got an attractive brunette staring at us. "Can I help you?" She asked. We pulled out our badges and she let us in. We walked in and looked around. "Is John here?" She looked confused. "Who?" As she said that, the man wearing the bow-tie came out. "Why hello. You called?" I looked at Dean and then back at bow-tie guy. "Yes we were wondering if you could tell us anything about Mickey Smith?" His face fell. "Why? Did something happen to Mickey?" The young girl interrupted. "I'm sorry but who is Mickey? And who are you?" We help up our badges again. "Agents West and Byrd. And you?" She looked taken aback a bit but she answered with "Clara. Clara Oswald." 'John' spoke again. "Uh Clara could you make us some tea?" She nodded. "Of course Doct-John." She smiled and walked into the kitchen rather quickly. Dean spoke. "What was she about to call you?" He looked towards the kitchen. "Who Clara? She was going to call me Doctor of course." Dean and I exchanged confused looks. "Doctor? Doctor Who?" He straightened his bow-tie. "Exactly. I'm the Doctor and it's good to meet you Sam and Dean."

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