24. Fall Fun

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Later that night at Rory and Logan's

"So now the family and the LDB know," Logan says

"Now maybe I will stop getting the questions on why I can't eat this and drink that will stop," Rory says with a brow raised

"Ya, it is a relief, People will hopefully stop asking stuff so much, and now that we don't worry about slipping out the secret we don't have to be so tight-lipped and constantly thinking about what to say," Logan says

"You have no idea how much less tired I will hopefully be, it's a lot of work growing a baby and keeping the secret of it for so long," Rory says

"Oh I know its tiring keeping the secret I can just imagine how hard and tiring it would be along with growing our child, but I must say you did it with grace and you look beautiful," Logan says kissing Rory on her lips

"Oh Logan you are such a suck up, you don't need to win me over we are already married and having a baby I won't run away," Rory says laughing

"Im not sucking up I am just stating the truth you are a beauty, and I know you would never run, just because we are married and expecting doesn't mean that I will stop telling you how beautiful you are," Logan says

"Well I already knew that but I don't need you to tell me all the time, I know you think im beautiful and im glad you know how fortunate you are to have yourself a Gilmore girl," Rory says smirking

"Your mother and everyone else made sure to let me know how lucky I am every day of our relationship and I won't ever forget it," Logan says

"Good, Now I'm tired, and I have work to do for the paper," Rory says

"Oh that editor is such a hard ass, won't even let you relax and rest your feet knowing your pregnant" Logan says snickering

"News doesn't slow down just because im pregnant and it sure as hell won't when there is a baby here either so get used to it if I need to slow down in the future I will but for now its full speed ahead," Rory says

"It just shows your work ethic, get whatever you can get done now for when you will have to slow down," Logan says

"At least it's just a small Colum until the semester is over then we get our babymoon, and then the baby comes," Rory says

"Oh yes the holiday parties I will be able to show you, and that bump off before we go away for a few weeks before bean is here," Logan says

"I know I can't wait, I want to start working as soon as schools finished, but I know I should take a break before I do, and while we are away I can start on some articles," Rory says

"Rory a holiday is not time to work, its time to relax and enjoy our last little while just the two of us before the baby comes," Logan says

"I know, but you know me if I stay idle too long I get really bored, and we can't have me bored because then im not happy so maybe just when Im restless I will work on articles for an idea I have about being a mother while also starting out my career," Rory says

"That sounds amazing, maybe we can turn it into a regular column," Logan says

"Maybe a corporate mommy Colum," Rory says

"Sounds amazing Ace, Now let's get you to bed so you can get a good sleep before you have to work on that article for that editor of yours," Logan says

October 31st, 2006

"Mate has love decided what her costume is going to be this year," Finn asks

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