Chapter 1

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    "You're just a bitch Mia!" Jeremy screamed, tears flowing down his face. He turned and stormed out of Michael's room, leaving him mouth agape and heartbroken. "You're... I never want to see you again!" Michael screamed back.
    Jeremy was walking home. His face was red from frustration, embarrassment, and utter sadness. He kept wiping the tears with the sleeves of his Game Theorists jacket, the tears wouldn't stop coming. He just couldn't believe he dead-named Michael. His best friend-his crush! He screamed out in anger. He wanted to go back and apologize but, he couldn't face seeing Michael after what he's done. Michael probably wouldn't even let him in. Jeremy kept replaying the scene over and over in his head,
getting more and more pissed at himself for making such a stupid mistake. "Goddamnit!"
Michael stood in his room, hugging his knees. This was really the last thing he needed. His breath was coming out in heaving gulps, tears ran down his face, pathetic. That's how he felt. Michael ran his shaking hands through his brown hair, trying to get a hold of himself. "Michael, it's okay" How could Jeremy do that?It was awful. He's never done that before. Why now? Why, when he needed Jeremy the most? "Michael, you're going to be okay." Breathe Michael. He took a deep breath, attempting to calm his frazzled nerves. "Breathe in," Deep breath, c'mon man. "Breathe out." He calmed down. He felt exasperated, crying did take a lot outta you. His phone pinged, letting him know he has a message.
~Richie Rich~
Yo, Michael! What's up?

Why are you...
Texting me..?

~Richie Rich~
I saw Jeremy, he was looking pretty beat up.
Wasn't he with you?

Don't know man. Hey, I'm kinda budy
Tell me some other time.
Michael shut his phone off. Not really bothering to read Rich's reply. He sat up on his bed, combing his fingers through his hair to fix the frizzy mess. He sighed. "What are we gonna do now?"

(Time skip)



Jeremy looked over at Brooke, confused as hell.


She tucked a wave of blonde hair behind her ear. "Are you okay? You were spacing out." She paused. "More than usual?" It was Monday, 3rd period. Brooke was the only person who knew/talked to Jeremy in that class. "Yeah, of course!" Brooke didn't seem completely satisfied with that answer. She just shrugged and went back to texting, not before giving Jeremy a look. Jeremey told her the truth. Well, that wasn't the exact truth. Okay fine- Michael hasn't talked to him ever since Friday. Jeremy saw Michael in the halls and tried to say something- anything- but Michael...

Michael saw him.

And walked past him.

Jeremy was crushed. He knew he fucked up. Yet he was hoping it wasn't too bad. Jeremy really was broken up over this. He needed to talk to Michael. He just wanted to apologize. He had to apologize. Michael has never ignored Jeremy. They've never even had an argument. Other that maybe a geek argument but those don't count.


That's when he'll talk to Michael.

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