Chapter 4

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Walking out of the bathroom had been a big mistake. As soon as people recognized him, the laughter had started. Pointing fingers and pitied whispers spread across the hallway. Jeremy hated all this attention. Yet, he had to get to class. Putting his brave face on he marched (more like slumped) forward. Jeremy's mind was doing loops, spins.
    The rest of the day was in slow motion, no matter where Jeremy turned people stared. He was no longer invisible. As it neared for the school day to end, Jeremy was too emotionally exhausted to act on anything. This, completely forgetting about his ride home. "Jeremy?"

    "M-Michael!" The faces of the two teenage boys were priceless. Michael stood a few feet away from Jeremy. His face was tinted red, with anger? Jeremy stood, mouth agape. Not knowing what to do. "So, uhm... Want a ride home?"

A/N Sorry for such a short chapter, it's more of a filler cuz I have writer's block rn. But chapter 5 will be way longer. Trust me. I'll let things settle for now...

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