Chapter 3

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    Michael slid down the wall, his hand covering his mouth. He had heard Jeremy's cry. It felt fucking awful. All the anger that was built up inside of him dissipated in that one, single moment. "Jeremy." His name was said in something quieter than a whisper. So desperate. Michael didn't even let Jeremy speak, he just pushed him -godamnit- Michael shoved him onto the floor. Michael was panicking again. "Michael?"

His head shot up. "Jere- Oh, sorry. Hey Rich." Michael was disappointed that is wasn't Jeremy. Rich could see that Michael wanted to see someone else and feigned hurt. "Not even Michael Mell wants to see me." Rich put his hand over his heart. "I'm so hurt." This brought a smirk to Michael's face. "Why the hell are you on the floor Mell?" Michael shrugged. "The floor's my only friend." Rich scoffed, "Well get up. I need to show you something. Plus, I don't want anyone seeing me with you." Michael hoisted himself up from his knees, following Rich, who already had set off. "What's so important that you can't just text me?" He asked. Rich didn't reply, just smiled over his shoulder. Creepy. Since lunch still had 8 minutes left, Rich had enough time to show Michael something, "interesting." Rich stepped into an empty class and sat on one of the desks.

"So, I have a video to show you."

"A video? You really couldn't have just texted me or something? I want to get to class ea-"

"Michael shut the hell up okay. Just watch it." Rich shoved the phone into Michael hands.

                Michael was going to complain more, but he heard crying. At first, he thought it was coming from outside but then his dumb ass realized it was coming from the phone. He looked at the video. It was of Jeremy; Michael froze. "Michael" Jeremy kept repeating his name, over and over and over; each time more desperate than the last, more needy. Was this what happened? Did- Did he do that? Then the scream came, the same intense feeling washed over Michael like a hurricane. "So..." Michael swallowed the lump forming his throat, "what are you gonna do with this?" Rich was studying Mell. "You're really freaked out about this huh?"

"I mean-" Michael shrugged, handing the phone back. "It's... not something I want to see."


"Rich, it's someone crying. People just don't like to see that. Even you." Michael pointed a finger at Rich, making sure to get his point across. Rich ignored this comment and continued.

"You said 'someone.' Why not Jeremy?"

                Michael fucked up. "What?" Just fake it Michael. "You didn't say his name. You're best friends." Rich was a lot smarter than he looked.

                The bell rang after what felt like hours to Jeremy and he wiped his eyes once more. He knew that some people had seen him. He knew that once he stepped outside, the whisperings would start again. He picked up his backpack and started heading out the bathroom. "Take a breath and prepare Heere." Taking a deep breath, Jeremy walked out into the hallway. He was quite far from his next class and that meant that he had to spend longer in the hallways. He began speed walking, just trying to get out of there. Some people were pointing at him, others laughed. Whatever they did just made things worse for Jeremy. Today was going to be a long day. 

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