She's Just A Beautiful Girl With The Weight Of The World On Her Shoulders

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Chapter 1

**Ben's POV**

I sat on the ground, tears streamed down my face as I held her to my chest, begging her to wake up.

"Please! Please Stacy!" I cried, "Please, baby girl I know you're can come through this" I kept screaming the same thing, as deep red blood kept flowing from her wrists, and the now empty pill bottle rolled back and forth in her pool of blood around us. I pleaded and begged. After what seemed like hours the ambulance finally arrived. They ran through the front door I'd left open.

"Hello?" Shouted the paramedics

"IN HERE!" I screamed "IN THE BATHROOM!" I shouted, as the tears continued to fall. They ran into the bathroom and stopped too look at me, and her in horror. Both of us were covered in blood, she lay, white on my lap, her head against my chest. I must have looked some sight, covered in blood, shaking, sweating and histeracly crying over my one loves lifeless body.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" I shouted at them "BLOODY DO SOMETHING!!!" I cried. At last they shot down to the floor, and weaved her away from me and lay her flat on the floor. Another paramedic came in and forced me out, I was still crying histeracly, the paramedic couldn't calm me down, she held my arms. I kept screaming.

" save her! Please! Please save her" I balled. My voice was cracking and I began to shake like crazy. I seen from the corner of my eye, they were taking her away on a bed, in a rush.

"She's lost too much blood" one of them said. I screamed again. "Sedate him! And put him in the other ambulance!" Said the same voice, I could no sooner blink and a needle was in my neck.

"Ah fuck" I shouted, before everything went black and I passed out. I woke up about an hour later, a nurse hovered over me, I was still covered in her blood. The nurse held a glass water infront of me. I took it and gulped it.

"Where is she? Is she okay? Please let her be alive" I said, sheer terror ran through me and showed in my voice.

"She's out cold. She's alive. But currently being pumped for the pill overdose and then she'll have blood put into her" she smiled reassuringly, "but we need you to tell the doctor what happened, alright?" I nodded. She took me into another room, the doctors office. I sat down and I was still shaking.

"Hello, young man" he said, "what's your name and what is the relationship between you and Stacy?" He asked.

"I'm Ben. She's my girlfriend" I replied.

"And how long has she been your girlfriend, Ben?" He paused, looked down at some paper work and looked back up at me "and what's your surname, occupation and birth date?" He asked.

"Almost two years" I  slightly smiled "my name is Ben Bruce, I sing and play lead guitar and sing in a band, called Asking Alexandria." I paused "I'm twenty two years old. I was born on October the 31st, 1991" I smiled.

"Alright, now, Ben. Whilst its still fresh in you're mind. I need you to tell me exactly what happened to Stacy". I sighed.

"When she was 13 she got into a bad friendship group and basically fell in love with someone 3 years older than her, blah, blah, blah. Eventually after a lot of shi- after a lot of stuff happened she moved away from the friendship group and moved on from him. I met her in a bar one night after a gig, when she was 17 and I was 18. She freaked out and I instantly fell in love with her. Eventually after some time we started dating. She's had severe depression, suffered from bulimia, self harm and has been suicidal for a number of years. Recently the guy she'd fell in love with has been harrassing her. Pushing her to the edge. Last night I phoned her and she was in tears, breaking down. She said she was okay, and convinced me to believe her. This morning she send me and her close friends a video, saying how she wanted to end this hell a-and..." I began to tear up.

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